Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not Fair!

I had a great night last night. I went over to P-Nut's house and we had pizza and played video games. I had a great time. I got home around midnight and ended up staying up until close to 4am. I finally fell asleep. It was a good sleep too. When I was (rudely) woken up this morning, I hadn't moved at all since I fell asleep. The covers were exactly where they were when I fell asleep. The pillows never moved. That is a feat. I was in such a deep sleep. It was great!

At 5:45am, my dad let the dog outside, when his business partner and employee were sitting in an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Mylo went crazy and barked his damn head off for 10 minutes!!!!! My dad didn't even make an attempt to shut him up! Let me explain; Mylo is a beagle. If you've ever hear a beagle bark, you know it is louder than hell and carries for miles. Mylo is that times 10. I was literally 3 seconds away from getting out of bed and walking outside in my night gown (which I have t-shirts longer than my night gown), getting in my truck and running the damn dog over. This was the first decent sleep I'd had since they put me under for my surgery! Not even 2 hours!!! And, to top it off, I COULDN'T FALL BACK TO SLEEP!!!!! Lord knows, I've been trying to get back to sleep since.

I've got a day of running around to do, and I get to do it on 2 hours of sleep. Lucky me. Enough of me bitching. I'm off to get ready to go shopping..... I HATE SHOPPING!!!... and take care of my errands. Hope your day started out better than mine.


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