Wednesday, December 21, 2005

1 1/2 done

The application is in the mail. *crosses fingers* One down.

I managed to read all but the last story in book #4. I hope to finish it by lunchtime today, then hopefully pick up another and try to finish it. I actually picked up book #2 first, but I couldn't make myself read it. I hate to start a book and not finish it... and this one sounds really interesting, but the writing style is so weird that I'm having trouble reading it. What is happening is when I am reading it, I am constantly rewriting in my brain in the past tense, to try to make it at least somewhat readable, but, I don't know, it feels like too much work to me, ya know.

Book #1 will probably be the next one I pick up. I really hope I can pick it up and read more than a page or two. It's Crimson City. I really want to get into it and go to the next book. I am anxious to read book 3 in that series by Patti O'Shea, Through A Crimson Veil. But, I want to read the books in order! I think I'll turn the phone off when I pick the book up. I hate those damn courtesy calls anyway, and I want ZERO distractions when I pick it up. I WILL get through this book before the end of the day... tomorrow at the latest!

Wish me luck. I'm off to bury my nose in a book!


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