Thursday, January 19, 2006

Back into old patterns again

I let boredom and frustration take over again. Haven't felt like writing, cause it would all be blah. But, I will be going back to work with my dad next week, so that gives me something to look forward to. I also finished another application and that will be sent out today. Yay me.

I got a package in the mail yesterday. I finally got the DVDs I ordered. I absolutely loved the TV show Silk Stalkings when it was on in the 90s. At least I loved it 'til they killed Chris. Anyway, I got the 3rd and 4th seasons on DVD for a great deal!! I can't wait until the 5th season comes out. That's my favorite. Then I intend to get the first 2 seasons. But at least now I have some to watch. I'm so excited!

I also got some other good news. I'm getting out of the house for a whole week! I got a call from my Aunt Purple. She has organized a group outing for a group of people her age.... as usual I hang out with people much, much older than me. But, we'll be spending a week at the cabin that we usually go to in May. 11 women total will be there. I think it'll be interesting. Aunt Purple herself is pretty much nuts, so I know her friends will be similar. I've heard stories, so I know it'll be a great time. I'm sure I'll have tons of stories to share when I return. I leave next Sunday, so hopfully, I'll keep up the blogging until then. I won't be able to write at all while I am at the cabin. There are no phones... no cell phone service either, but it'll be fun.

There will be a nature walk every morning. I can't wait to test out the knee. There will be get together dinners with all the women and there will be a massage therapist coming to the cabin one of the days! Yeah! I can't wait for the massage. I need one! It should be interesting during the yoga classes though. I have never done that before.

Well, I am off to try to work on BBL or maybe even my WIP, Lucky U. Maybe.


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