Friday, May 19, 2006

I just feel blah.

My parents are getting worried about me. I guess I would too if I were them. I have virtually spent the last 6 months in my room. Most of which is spent in bed. But, I'm a homebody. I would rather stay at home than go out some place, and my room is my hideaway. I've gained a little weight and really have no desire to do anything about it. I don't look much heavier, and at the time I came home from GA, I probably could have used a few extra pounds on me. But, the biggest thing is that I can't get motivated to do anything. I keep saying, 'I'm gonna get working today on the WsIP. I'm gonna straighten up my room. I'm gonna....' Yet, I never get there. Some of it is that I'm still not working. I keep putting out applications, to no avail. I'm frustrated. I need a release. That is normally my writing, but I just can't make myself do it. I have read a few books the last few days, and that is another way I release, but it is more just a way to escape. I escape into the reality of the book, away from my reality. Some people use alcohol and drugs to escape their reality, I use books.

Well, I don't want to bore ya'll with my ranting now. So, I'm off. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.


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