Wednesday, August 30, 2006

still sick and it SUCKS!

Yep, still sick. I had to stay home for work ALL DAY yesterday. I was hoping to be able to go to work once the pain killers kicked in.... no such luck. I did go to work today, but had no energy, since I had nothing to eat yesterday except 6 pieces of cashews.... yummy. I had 3 bites of lunch and only barely managed to keep it down. I was at least able to eat a little more for dinner tonight.... and I do mean a LITTLE more. Try 5 bites. This is really beginning to irritate me. I am convinced that my body hates me and just likes to torture me.

I am almost done with my Christmas shopping... YEAH! I did some more while lying here in bed. I am addicted to this one catalog that I have gotten for the past couple of years. Not sure how I started getting it, but I like it. It has a lot of good stuff in it and it is ALL affordable. I know that one person in particular is going to be pissed at Christmas time, but I saw a bunch of things and I couldn't decide which one I liked better.... so I got them all. Whoops! There are only 3 more things I need to get and I know what 2 of the 3 items are. Now it is just a matter of figuring out what to get for my brother.... OH! I almost forgot. He's being shipped off again (he's in the AirForce). And, he'll be gone for 4 years.... so it looks like I might have a sister-in-law in the next few months. He wants to ask his girlfriend to marry him and get married before he leaves in Feb. I guess that makes 4 gifts I have yet to get. Not a clue about what to get the fiancee either....

Well, I'm tired and feeling blah, so I am off.... until next time.


Blogger Spy Scribbler said...

Did you say you were almost done with your Christmas shopping??? Good lord! I haven't thought about it yet!

8:04 PM, September 12, 2006  

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