Monday, July 10, 2006

I saw it!!!

I did get to see the movie last night. Overall, I really enjoyed the 2nd Pirates, but it wasn't as good as the first. What made it disappointing was the ending. It was like they played the movie for a couple ways, then hit the stop button. It ended on a cliff hanger for the next movie. Nothing was settled or solved. It makes me crazy. I am a very impatient person when it comes to stuff like that. There is a reason that I very seldomly take more than 1 day to read a book..... I WANT TO KNOW THE END!!! I want to know what happens next. I need that closer, otherwise, my brain goes into overdrive, trying to write the ending it wants.

I had a very busy day today. I had to fold over 60 large pieces of duct and deliver them to the job site. It took 3 trips in an oversized pickup with some ducts smashed inside others. I folded from 8am until 3pm. My arms are about dead. Then the crew we had at another site broke a water main..... there was a lake in the middle of this lady's yard. I had to run around like mad to try to get to the supply house before it closed. Only to find out that after I leave, I have to go back because they broke the line in a second place. As I am standing at the counter, hoping it is that last time, when I get the call that they broke it AGAIN!!!! I was about ready to strangle somebody. You would think that after the first time, you would figure out where the line went, then hand dig in that area, right? Apparently not. When we finally got the line repaired, we found pinhole leaks in the main line inside the house. I GIVE UP!!!!

Hope you had a better one.


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