Thursday, June 15, 2006

I guess it's just not my week...

First, I miss 2 days of work, because of the stiff neck from hell. This is just awful. Again, I could have had a full week of work, except for this damn pain. I worked through the pain yesterday, not an easy task, especially hauling around an air handler and many, many trips of heavy tools up many flights of stairs. The neck is somewhat better today. There is still one spot that is tight and screams everytime I move my head a certain way, but I can at least function.

Yesterday, I broke out in a strange rash. It's ugly and annoying. I had to go to the store to buy a cream to put on it last night. According to everything I've read, I can expect to look like this for about a month, if the OTC cream works.... yeah. In my opinion, the break out is pretty bad, but according to some of the pictures I've seen, my case is extremely mild. Mine just seems to be spread out in a large area, rather than concentrated in one area at a time. It's just really ugly looking. I'm trying to wear stuff that covers as much of it up as possible, but it is supposed to be REALLY hot this weekend. I'm going to suffer like crazy.

To top it off, I've been going pretty much the last 2 months with virtually no sleep. I'm tired all of the time, yet when I lay down to go to bed, I stare at the ceiling for hours. I usually end up falling asleep just about an hour or so before my alarm goes off.... then there is no going back to sleep, even when I end up not working. Surprisingly, I fell asleep fairly quickly last night.... Finally, right? Nope. I ended up waking up just an hour later, unable to get back to sleep. At 3am, I decided enough was enough and turned the TV on. 'Bowling for Columbine" was playing on Bravo. I ended up watching that 'til 5, then turned on the news. I couldn't stop yawning in the truck on the way home. I'm just worried that I'll fall asleep REALLY early tonight and end up awake again just like last night. Hence the reason I sit here moaning and complaining about my week. I'm sure most of you know more abou tme know than you ever cared to, especially the rash and all, but I am desperate to stay awake. I have the house to myself for most of the night, so I won't have to worry about others making a ton of noise (as is usual), but they will be home eventually, which means the damn stupid dog will start yapping like crazy at least twice tonight. That'll be waking me, if nothing else does. That'll be the end of my sleep for the night too.

Enough of my mumbling. I'm off to try to stay awake.


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