Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I thought I'd update on my post yesterday, considering that I got a couple of responses on it. I'm a little better today. My right side muscles have relaxed. Unfortunately, my left side is still the same. In fact, it has gotten worse in the last 30 minutes. I'm sort of stuck with my head cocked to one side as I sit here and blog. It's getting really frustrating. I really want to get up and get my muscle relaxing cream to put on and try to help, but it doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to get out of bed to get it. I am hoping to get back to work tomorrow. I really am getting tired of sitting around and doing nothing.

I applied for another job today. That makes 6 in the last 2 weeks and countless that I have yet to hear from. I heard from 1 of the 6 this morning. They are not interested. I am sort of relieved that I didn't get it, 'cause the position was not something I really wanted to take (sort of a diplomatic investigations assistant job). I'm not good with politics. I don't kiss anyone's ass. Just because you have money doesn't make you better than me. I would have a difficult time dealing with some of the diplomats and politicians I would come into contact with. That is one of the reasons I know I would not have been happy in my Secret Service job had it worked out. That and the fact that it was a "glorified guard" job, and I did that already. I would've been bored out of my mind in a matter of days.

You would think that with all of this extra time I have, I'd be cruising through my WIP. I wish. My mind just hasn't been where I need it to be to write. For some reason, when I am busy is when I write the best. I have a tendency to get down on myself, especially with this lack of 'real' job, and it shows in my writing. I had enough of that in my writing in college. Those stories SUCK because of it. I won't do that to my characters in my current WIP. I like them and their story too much.

I had an interesting email today. A person had stumbled onto my blog and emailed me about it. It was different. I was really shocked at first. I have gotten a few other emails on it, but they were mostly spam sent to a bunch of other bloggers that had a similiar theme. This was from an individual to me. I was talking to Peanut on the phone at the time. She convinced me to write back. Now that I have I am glad that I did. I do like hearing that people have read my blog and find in interesting... or not. It's just strange to me. I guess I just never expected anyone to stop by and read it. I've never really thought of myself as very interesting... just boring old me. It's just strange I guess. I can't really think of how to word it. I think that it might be because I am SOOO shy. It was hard for me to write back. I didn't know what to say. You would think that as an aspiring writer, I could just sit down and write pages and pages (as I seem to be doing with this post), but it is so hard for me to do. I don't think that what I have to say is all that interesting. Writing emails or letters to my friends can seem like pulling teeth sometimes.

Well, my stream of consciousness has run away with me today, apparently. I'll stop this now before I put you all to sleep (if I haven't already). Hope ya'll are having a good one. See ya next time.


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