Monday, May 22, 2006

It's Confirmed....

My surgeon is a DOLT!!! The man doesn't have a set of brain cells to rub together. I went to see him today for my post op appt. I told him that I was still having the same problem, even after the sugery that was to correct it. He wanted to put me on 2 different medications. One will seriously alter my body chemistry and the second to counteract the first one. Tell me, what is the point of taking the first only to take another that will counteract it. I know some are probably thinking that the doctor knows what he is talking about, but no. The change in the body chemistry is what is supposed to "cure" this problem (btw, it is only a temporary fix). So, if you take something to counteract the change in the body chemistry, what is left? Plus, this stuff would increase the potential for osteoporosis (however it is spelled). My mom has an issue is osteo-arthritis. She is 50 and has the bones of a 65 year old. She was on a variation of this drug at one point. I'm sorry, but I have no desire to be practically crippled in a matter of years. She was on this pill 10 years ago. There is a big age gap there with when she took it and when I'm taking it. If I react the same way to this medication, I'll be 35 and barely able to get around without intense pain. NO THANK YOU!!!! I'll deal with the pain now. Just keep me stocked with pain killers and I'll be all good. I found a drug that is supposed to help with my condition. He wouldn't prescribe it to me. 'Cause he didn't think it would help. Everything that I have read and all accounts I have read have said that it had made a big difference. I'm going to ask my regular doctor for the prescription. She at least has a brain in her head and listens when I talk.

In good news, I got to work a little today. When I got home from my doctor appointment, my dad called. He needed help putting in a waterheater. So, I got an hours worth of work in today and I should have hours the rest of the week. YEAH!!!! Finally!!!!! That makes me happy! Maybe it will keep my brain busy for a while.

Why do I need that? Well, because my brain is being uncooperative at the moment. It has, for some odd reason, resorted to some old habits, and not good ones I might add. Things are popping in there that SHOULD NEVER be there EVER again!!!!

Well, I'm off. My Sabres are in the playoffs, and they are playing right now!!!


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