Friday, January 12, 2007

A quick post.

Another quick post today. As an update from yesterday's post, I can move! I'm very stiff, very sore and moving slower than usual, but I am moving nonetheless. My left ankle is black and blue. Thankfully my neck muscles have loosened up, but the ones in the center of my back are still very tight and painful. It's a lot of fun, let me tell you.

I am in for a lot of fun tonight though. I get to take my cat (evil creature that he is) to the vet tonight. Anyone want to volunteer to come over here and put him in his cage? Or at least lend me some of that metal mesh stuff that people wear when they go swimming with the sharks? No? Didn't think so. Believe it or not, the cage part is gonna be the easiest part. I shudder at the thought.

Well, wish me luck. Have a great weekend!


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