Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A different kind of a day...

My day started out horribly. I didn't sleep well last night... as usual. I really didn't want to get out of bed. I rolled out though and when I got to work found out that I'd be working outside ALL DAY! It has been snowing and blowing around here ALL DAY! Basically I sit here typing this frozen solid. I know if I go upstairs right this moment to take a hot shower and thaw out, I'll never come back down to write this... so, I sit here shivering like crazy. But, it is warm enough in the house that I am beginning to thaw. Good thing I threw an extra couple of buckets of coal in the furnace last night! Brrrrrr. It was a cold and miserable day.

But, then I came home and decided to blog and check email before I thawed out... and what do I find? One email from a potential employer who actually is considering me for a job.... YAHOOO!! But, that's not even the best! My favorite author emailed me! I had answered a couple of questions for her while she was working on a book, and now she said she is going to thank me in her book! How COOL is THAT!!!!!! If I wasn't frozen to the chair, I'd be up doing a little jig! Hey, that might warm me up. I'll be right back.....

It worked! At least the blood is pumping again. As soon as In the Midnight Hour by Patti O'Shea comes out, I expect all of you to go out and buy it! She's an amazing writer. I can never put her books down. I think that there is only one book of hers that I didn't read it all in one day... and that is only because I would only allow myself to read a couple of chapters as reward for writing in my own WIP. It was tough to do, but I did get a lot of writing done... 'cause I couldn't wait to get back to the book! I'm still totally stunned that she is thanking me this way. Wow! I've been saying that alot!

Okay, time to get thawed. I just want to say THANK YOU, PATTI. It was truly my pleasure and this was totally unexpected!


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