Uh oh
Well, this will probably be my last post for a little bit... big change, huh? Anyway, there is actually a reason for it this time. My laptop will not log onto the new internet system that my parents have. I'm not sure if the modem was somehow fried or what, but the dial-up that I had been using is no longer letting me on either. It only took them about 7 months to figure out that my parents had cancelled it. I hate using my parents' computer which means I'll pretty much only be here to check email and put in many, MANY, many more applications. I'll definately blog if there is something important to say, but, if you have been following my blog the last few months, you'll know that there isn't much that I have to say anyway.
In other news, I have been reading a lot. Including a couple of stories that I wrote way back when.... so very, very sad. But, I'm hopinh that some of the reading motivates me to start on the WIP again. It seems like everytime I get started though, something happens to screw it up. Here's to hoping that this time is different.
Preparations are under way for the Nut's Bachelorette and Bridal parties....only over a year in advance, but I'm the anti-girlie girl. So, this is all new for me. Any suggestions from anyone who has thrown or even BEEN to one of these will be more than appreciated. I'm in totally foreign territory here and need as much help as I can get!
Well, ya'll have a happy TURKEY DAY! Until next time..... hope it isn't too far away.
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