Saturday, June 18, 2005

Another day, another dollar

Work, work and more work. At least it is the weekend and we should be the only ones in the stadium.... NO GAMES!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! The sucky team is away. Thank God for small favors. Since it will be so slow, I am hoping to use some of the down time to work on my manuscript a little.... but, we'll see.

I can't believe it though, I fell asleep last night at like 6 o'clock. I was so tired I couldn't even keep my eyes open to watch Rachel Ray cook a 30 minute meal!!! How sad is that??? I love that show. I get such good ideas from it, but man, I was out like a light! Only to be awakened time and time again by my asshole neighbors who veered away from simply screaming at each other to now throwing things and slamming their doors. I really need to move. The screaming and slamming finally stopped around 5am, right when I had to get up to go to work.

But, yesterday at work was exciting. There was a really big woman who wanted to kick my ass. I found it a great source of amusement, which pissed her off even more. Now, this is not her first year working here. She knows that in order to pick up your paycheck, you must bring your stadium ID, not just a driver's license. Well, she wanted her paycheck and she wanted it now. She was seriously pissed that I wouldn't let her go back to the Aramark office to pick it up. But, no ID, no entrance.... that simple. She was yelling and screaming at me through the window, but the more calm that I stayed, the more pissed off she got. It took all the energy I had not to bust out laughing. I mean come on. In the amount of time that she spent standing here and screaming, she could have gone home, picked up her ID, came back and walked right through without any issue. One of the new guys was sitting in the office with me, just sitting back and observing. He was quite amused himself. Seriously, how hard is it to bring in your ID. It is only the size and weight of a credit card, not like it weighs 50 lbs. But hey, what do I know.

Alrighty, back to work I go... this killed a whole 5 minutes of my shift... only 7 hours and 55 minutes to go.


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