Monday, February 06, 2006

If I Hear That Damn Saying One More Time....

OK yes, the Steelers won the Superbowl. Horray for them. But if I hear, "one for the thumb" one more time, I'm gonna have to hurt someone! They sing it in a damn song; they say it on the radio every time they break from the music; they say it at every commercial break on the "what's coming up on the news" commercial. So they won the Superbowl for the first time in 20-odd years. Whoo hoo. I'm just damn tired of hearing about it.

As for my productive weekend... I didn't do a damn thing but sleep. I took a 5 hour nap on Saturday, right after blogging, then was fast asleep by 10pm. I slept 'til Daddy woke my ass up at 9am. Then, I fell back to sleep Sunday around 11 and slept on and off 'til after 5. I managed to stay awake for a couple hours before falling right back to sleep again. I was able to stay awake today though... a good thing considering I was working.

Will I get anything done tonight? Reading, maybe. Writing, maybe not. I just don't feel like it tonight, and if I don't feel like writing, it usually comes out really crappy and I have to re-write it later anyway. I really need to find some motivation where BBL is concerned. I have told myself that I can't work on LU until BBL is finished, and I just don't want to work on BBL. It's not my story and it is so hard to write. I manage to give myself a migraine everytime I try to work on it. Hopefully, I will work on it some tomorrow. I guess it depends on how much I get into the books I am reading, and where I am in those books tomorrow.

I know! OK, here is my declaration. If I finish the second of the "Night Tales" books tonight (which shouldn't be hard) I will not start another tonight, and I will not start another until I have worked on BBL for at least 3 hours tomorrow. It must be 3 hours of REALLY working on it, even if I only get a little done, as long as I give it a real effort. I have written it here for all to read, and will stick to it.


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