Saturday, March 25, 2006

Finally I did something!!!!!!!

Yes, I did it. I left the house. That hasn't happened in a while, especially since I haven't been working.... again. Dad played at a new bar (well, he played there last month, but Peanut and I got sucked into Mario Party and I didn't make it home in time to go) last night. The bar was about what I expected. It is known to get a rough sometimes. There was a fight last night. But, it took place in the parking lot BEFORE the guy came into the bar covered in mud with a nicely forming black eye. The bar was packed most of the night. Not my idea of a good time, especially when it can be a rough crowd and I'm not familiar with the bar. I was on edge most of the night and unable to relax. There were a couple of times that I thought there would be a problem and started to stand. I was at a table filled with drunken people, which doesn't make me any more comfortable. I end up in hyper watch mode because the drunks wouldn't be able to help out if a problem occured and they also have a tendency to be involved in the problem in the first place.

My uncle, who, btw, no longer drinks, was beyond hammered last night. Blitzed isn't a strong enough word to describe it. Along with him, was my brother's best friend, NoHawk (as I call him). NoHawk was so blitzed, he was dancing! All in all, it was an eventful night. I got to be designated driver, once again, and am looking forward to reprising the role tonight... yeah me. I think I should get paid for baby-sitting. Don't you agree?

My brother is in from Delaware, with a girlfriend. It must be serious if he's bringing her home to meet the parents. She seems nice enough. Kind of quiet, not that I have room to talk in that department. She seems to get along with NoHawk, which is a good thing. The last girlfriend of my brothers (that I know of) didn't get along with NoHawk at all. Granted, everybody hated that witch, and my parents are still are still thanking the Lord that they broke off their engagement.

Last night, my drunken uncle decided I needed to know that since my brother is now with this gril that it is high time I marry and produce 5 kids. Ummm??? Isn't at least 1 date required before marriage?... at least in most cases. And, the kids would be a problem, especially with the surgery coming up. Not that I have much desire to have kids at all at this point. And, I think at least 1 date is required for the kids too. For me it would be many, many more, but stranger things have happened.

Then, I had to listen to a drunken NoHawk state numerous times that he is ready for kids. He wants them now. This was a 20 minute rant that repeated itself at least 3 times. Is the world really ready for mini NoHawks? I don't think the world will ever be ready for NoHawkian munchkins. Wow, what a night that was.

I've spent most of today playing Mario Party again. I took a nap too, since I didn't get home last night 'til well after 2am and my grandmother decided to call and wake up the whole house at like 7am! Haven't gotten real far with Angels & Demons yet. But, my mom is actually reading The DaVinci Code. I couldn't believe it when she told me she was reading it along with my dad! I had to check and see if the sky was falling when she said it.


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