Monday, March 06, 2006

Well, I tried....

I managed to give myself a migraine working on BBL. It's just not going anywhere. I don't think I completed a whole page. I worked on it for about 3 hours, with a break for lunch, and to try to unravel the knots in my brain (didn't work). I'm just stuck. Grrr.

I also got my birthday present (OK, so it's almost 2 months away, who's counting?) last night. So, I've spent the rest of the day, rotting out the knots in my brain while playing Mario Party on my new GameCube! Who would have thought that I would ever want a video game, let alone convince my parents to get it for me for my b-day. Playing, playing, playing. So much fun!!! I'm gonna give P-nut a run for her money next time we play at her house.

Well, I will get to work tomorrow, so that means I have to get to bed at a decent hour. So, I'm signing off.... to play some more Mario Party ;) Bad, Jelly Beane! Bad! *slaps wrists*.... oh, well. I've gone without sleep before ;)


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