Had a bunch of interruptions last night, so I didn't finish reading LU. Got to page 193 though. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be smart for me to open it and work on it now. In fact, just writing this blog could be dangerous. You see, Spring is here. Everyone else sees pretty things growing, I see misery. Yes, I have inherited severe allergies from my dad. So I sit here writing this as I wait for my allergy meds to kick in. The dangers? My meds make me
really loopy. Not good when combined with writing. At least not when you are trying to make sense.... well as much sense as I am capable of making.
I haven't really slept well since the time change, which isn't helping matters any. But the combination of already being tired and Benedryl, I should be out most of the weekend. You know I'm desperate to get rid of the symptoms when I bypass the meds that work pretty well (with no lingering effects) for the meds that knock me flat on my ass for days on end.
My mom reminded me today that two weeks from today, I have my surgery. See how well my day has been going.
I did get 8 hours of work today though. The 4 hour furnace was a royal pain in the ass! Whoever put the last one in rigged it.... BIG TIME! The damn thing still isn't finished yet. Instead of using 8 wire- thermostat wire, they used 5 strands of 2 wire. Now, how exactly are we supposed to know what wire is hooked to what? In 2 wire, there is a red one, and a white one. When you have red ones hooked to 5 different spots and no way to trace the wire to find the origin.....???? So, someone gets to go back on Monday and run all new wires.... not my idea of a good time.
Anyway, I think I'm starting to not make sense.... wait, I never make sense! But, I'm gonna stop rambling now and attempt sleep. Have a great weekend.