Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's been a while

As expected, I did not pass the PT test when I returned to MD. I improved on everything (except the run for obvious reasons), but not enough. So, I am back at home now. I resigned my position with the Secret Service Uniformed Division.

Over the course of training, I discovered that the Secret Service was not where I really wanted to be anyway. The job that I would be doing in that division was a glorified version of what I did with the Pirates.... I would've been bored out of my mind in months. I am interested in the investigation aspect of policing. That is what I am good at and what I enjoy. That is not what this was. At least now, with the FLETC certificate, I am considered a Federal Law Enforcement Officer; I just don't have an agency backing me at the moment. Within the next few months I will be putting in my applications with some other agencies that specialize in the investigative aspect. It means more training, but I've expected that.

Why am I waiting a few months to put in the application? Well, believe it or not, I actually went to a doctor that has a brain. He FINALLY found something wrong with my knee. I am scheduled for surgery on my knee on December 12th. There is something wrong with the band that goes around the patella. It is acting like torn cartilige. So, he's going to go in and snip it out.... can't wait!

So, thank you to everyone for all of the support. I really appreciate it.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Last post before Grad!

I passed the practical exam this morning! Whoo Hoo! And I only have the mock trial to go through tomorrow. YEAH ME! We finished really early, which is why I am in the lab posting when I would normally be in class. As in the subject, this is my final post prior to grad. I graduate tomorrow afternoon. And, then I get to say "SEE YA!" to GA! I'll be more than happy to say good bye to the mutant insects that they have here!

Overall the training down here was great fun. I learned a lot and I learned a lot about myself. I have done more in these 10 weeks than I thought I'd ever be able to do. Although I still haven't accomplished my main goal of passing the PT test in MD, I have done so much already. Even if I don't make it into MD, I know that I have done my best and worked my body as hard as I could. I tried my best and if it wasn't enough to get me there, I'll just have to take a new avenue. I know that I'll enjoy some more time working with my dad. I'll forever be greatful for all of the support that I have received throughout this whole ordeal. Everyone's well wishes helped to cheer me up on those days when I wasn't sure that I have any left in me.

Thank you everyone, and I hope to post again soon with news..... hopefully GOOD news.