Friday, June 30, 2006

Still not much to talk about

I've been working all week. I had a lot more paperwork to do because my dad's business partner was out of town, and since my dad hates doing paperwork, I got to do it all. I put in a furnace and air conditioner all by myself this week and went on a call to fix a broken drain line. I'm usually not sent to do jobs on my own, since I'm not yet certified (even though I've been doing this for 6 years... I hope to be able to take the test in the next couple of months). But, that was all that happened this week.

Dad is playing tonight and tomorrow night, so at least I'll be getting out of the house for a few hours this weekend. I did kind of get asked out for this weekend, but I turned him down. My brother's best friend, NoHawk has been trying to set me up with this guy. It's a co-worker of his. First off, I've met him a few times and had no interest in him. He seems like a nice guy, but he's shy. I'm incredibly shy. Put us together and you are looking at one long awkward silence. NoHawk gave him my AIM screenname and I've talked to him a couple times a week for the last 3 months. Honestly, I have no interest. I've tried to be as nice as possible when turning him down; he is a nice guy. We have virtually nothing in common. He's a couple of years younger than me in age. In mental age, we are decades apart. He talks non-stop about NoHawk and work, when he is not commentating about tying a fly fishing hook on to a line (literally a 20 minute commentary... OVER AIM!!!!). It's not like I have guys lining up around the block to ask me out (understatement of the year), but I don't want to go out with someone just because I don't have anyone else to go out with. That's not fair to him.

Anyway, hope ya'll have a good weekend.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I know I haven't blogged in a while, but again I've had nothing to say. I worked most of everyday this week. Most of the time I was in one of a number of crawl spaces. None of which were fun. I think I lost 25 lbs in one morning, sweating it off in a, attic crawl space.

There's a bike biker rally this weekend, and a billion people have crowded into our town. I got roped into volunteering. In fact, I just got back from spending 8 hours straight on my feet. My knees are screaming at me right now. Especially the one I had surgery on. They want my help again tomorrow, but I don't think that my knees are going to cooperate, not that I am interested in helping... don't get me wrong, I enjoy volunteering, but helping there requires spending time with one of my least favorite people. Not my idea of a good time.

There was an incident at the bar on Friday night and I almost got to use my training. I came really close to putting a guy down in the middle of the bar. But, I am too tired right now to tell the whole story. Not that I'll sleep when I sign off, but I'll at least attempt to try to sleep. Yep, that's right, I'm still not sleeping. But, as usual, I'm going to try. Night.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Let me OUTTA here!!!!

Before I go on with my endless ranting, I just wanted to say that THANK the Lord, my rash is slowly but surely clearing up!!!! HORRAY!!!

Now, about the title.... I lived on my own, basically since I left for college. I lived 2 hours away from my parents before I even graduated, commuting the 50 miles from my apartment in Pgh to the college campus. I lived in Pgh for more than 3 years. I was out of my parents for pretty much 8 years. Now, circumstances dictate that I live at home again. I'm not happy about it. I haven't ever been happy about it. I've lived alone too long to enjoy being back home again.

So, if you are still reading, you are probably wondering why I am ranting about this. How many times has someone got you out of the shower to talk on the phone... and NO this was not an emergency of any kind. That's right, I was in the middle of my shower this morning, when my mom knocked on the bathroom door, insisting that I come out. Now, let me explain. My brother takes longer in the bathroom than I do, and he has no hair on his head. I can literally take a shower and be ready to leave the house in less than 15 minutes, showering time included, so it's not like I have been in there for an hour and was just using up all the hot water or something.

Who was on the phone that it was SOOO important for me to talk to? My aunt. I don't like her... at all. We haven't gotten along for years. She's not even my mom's favorite person in the world.... but, God forbid I let her know that I don't like her. Believe me, I don't keep it a secret, which is a major problem with me and my mom (she just let's my aunt walk all over her and then bitches to me about it later). So what is so urgent that I need to get out of the shower, IN THE MIDDLE OF IT? There is a biker rally this coming weekend, and they want me to volunteer to sell raffle tickets for them on Thursday and next Saturday. I will, unfortunately, be seeing my aunt tomorrow. WHAT THE HELL IS SO URGENT that it can't wait until tomorrow??? It's not 'til next week. But no. My mom decided that I NEEDED to talk to her RIGHT NOW! And, then she's surprised that I am not happy with her, and don't want to take the phone from her.... covered in soap. Let alone the fact that my aunt is on the other end.

Tell me, am I overreacting because every little thing is beginning to irritate me about living at home?

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Have a good one.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I guess it's just not my week...

First, I miss 2 days of work, because of the stiff neck from hell. This is just awful. Again, I could have had a full week of work, except for this damn pain. I worked through the pain yesterday, not an easy task, especially hauling around an air handler and many, many trips of heavy tools up many flights of stairs. The neck is somewhat better today. There is still one spot that is tight and screams everytime I move my head a certain way, but I can at least function.

Yesterday, I broke out in a strange rash. It's ugly and annoying. I had to go to the store to buy a cream to put on it last night. According to everything I've read, I can expect to look like this for about a month, if the OTC cream works.... yeah. In my opinion, the break out is pretty bad, but according to some of the pictures I've seen, my case is extremely mild. Mine just seems to be spread out in a large area, rather than concentrated in one area at a time. It's just really ugly looking. I'm trying to wear stuff that covers as much of it up as possible, but it is supposed to be REALLY hot this weekend. I'm going to suffer like crazy.

To top it off, I've been going pretty much the last 2 months with virtually no sleep. I'm tired all of the time, yet when I lay down to go to bed, I stare at the ceiling for hours. I usually end up falling asleep just about an hour or so before my alarm goes off.... then there is no going back to sleep, even when I end up not working. Surprisingly, I fell asleep fairly quickly last night.... Finally, right? Nope. I ended up waking up just an hour later, unable to get back to sleep. At 3am, I decided enough was enough and turned the TV on. 'Bowling for Columbine" was playing on Bravo. I ended up watching that 'til 5, then turned on the news. I couldn't stop yawning in the truck on the way home. I'm just worried that I'll fall asleep REALLY early tonight and end up awake again just like last night. Hence the reason I sit here moaning and complaining about my week. I'm sure most of you know more abou tme know than you ever cared to, especially the rash and all, but I am desperate to stay awake. I have the house to myself for most of the night, so I won't have to worry about others making a ton of noise (as is usual), but they will be home eventually, which means the damn stupid dog will start yapping like crazy at least twice tonight. That'll be waking me, if nothing else does. That'll be the end of my sleep for the night too.

Enough of my mumbling. I'm off to try to stay awake.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Back to work

I made it back to work today. It was tough. I still have limited movement and the strength in my left arm is affected. It's getting better.... slowly. I still have no idea what I did to my back/neck. It sucks.

Well, I just wanted to give a little update. I've gotta run to the store now. My day just keeps getting better and better! Don't ask.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I thought I'd update on my post yesterday, considering that I got a couple of responses on it. I'm a little better today. My right side muscles have relaxed. Unfortunately, my left side is still the same. In fact, it has gotten worse in the last 30 minutes. I'm sort of stuck with my head cocked to one side as I sit here and blog. It's getting really frustrating. I really want to get up and get my muscle relaxing cream to put on and try to help, but it doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to get out of bed to get it. I am hoping to get back to work tomorrow. I really am getting tired of sitting around and doing nothing.

I applied for another job today. That makes 6 in the last 2 weeks and countless that I have yet to hear from. I heard from 1 of the 6 this morning. They are not interested. I am sort of relieved that I didn't get it, 'cause the position was not something I really wanted to take (sort of a diplomatic investigations assistant job). I'm not good with politics. I don't kiss anyone's ass. Just because you have money doesn't make you better than me. I would have a difficult time dealing with some of the diplomats and politicians I would come into contact with. That is one of the reasons I know I would not have been happy in my Secret Service job had it worked out. That and the fact that it was a "glorified guard" job, and I did that already. I would've been bored out of my mind in a matter of days.

You would think that with all of this extra time I have, I'd be cruising through my WIP. I wish. My mind just hasn't been where I need it to be to write. For some reason, when I am busy is when I write the best. I have a tendency to get down on myself, especially with this lack of 'real' job, and it shows in my writing. I had enough of that in my writing in college. Those stories SUCK because of it. I won't do that to my characters in my current WIP. I like them and their story too much.

I had an interesting email today. A person had stumbled onto my blog and emailed me about it. It was different. I was really shocked at first. I have gotten a few other emails on it, but they were mostly spam sent to a bunch of other bloggers that had a similiar theme. This was from an individual to me. I was talking to Peanut on the phone at the time. She convinced me to write back. Now that I have I am glad that I did. I do like hearing that people have read my blog and find in interesting... or not. It's just strange to me. I guess I just never expected anyone to stop by and read it. I've never really thought of myself as very interesting... just boring old me. It's just strange I guess. I can't really think of how to word it. I think that it might be because I am SOOO shy. It was hard for me to write back. I didn't know what to say. You would think that as an aspiring writer, I could just sit down and write pages and pages (as I seem to be doing with this post), but it is so hard for me to do. I don't think that what I have to say is all that interesting. Writing emails or letters to my friends can seem like pulling teeth sometimes.

Well, my stream of consciousness has run away with me today, apparently. I'll stop this now before I put you all to sleep (if I haven't already). Hope ya'll are having a good one. See ya next time.

Monday, June 12, 2006

2 issues today....

Well, I would be at work today if I could move. That is my major issue. What did I do yesterday? Not a damn thing, which is why this is so damn confusing. I woke up this morning practically paralyzed with pain. All the muscles in my back and neck seized up from the middle of my head all the way to the middle of my back. Trying to get dressed for work was a challenge, and I had to have my mom fix my hair this morning, because I couldn't lift my arms, let alone try to handle a brush with my mop of hair. I have no idea why this happened. It's not like I overworked the muscles or anything. But at the moment, I am still lying in bed, slightly more mobile than before, but not by much.

Now, because I am not at work, I attempted to watch the noon news, which is what leads me to my next issue. Today the half hour news, was extended to a full hour, pre-empting the 12:30 program. Apparently all other news except 1 story stopped in Pgh. There was about a 15 second break for a breaking news story on a fire that had broken out and left 1 person dead so far, and they were looking for more people. The other story that took up the 59 minutes and 45 seconds? Ben Rothlisberger, a the Steelers QB, was in a motorcycle accident. Now ok, he was in an accident and hurt... the dumbass wasn't wearing a helmet... he's still alive. They had every reporter on staff covering that one story. 3 were in the studio, 1 was at the scene, another in the helicopter above the scene, another at the hospital, the rest were interviewing various witnesses. My question is WHO GIVES A DAMN???? It's ridiculous!

That's the end of my ranting, time to lay here some more. Yeah!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I guess it has been a while....

But, I really haven't had anything interesting to say. And, I prefer not to bore you all. That's why this will be a short post.

I still don't have much to say. I'm still waiting to hear on the many, many applications I have floating out in the world. I'm suffering from hayfever like crazy at the moment. I'm finally working all week long (let's just hope it lasts). Life is pretty much boring at the moment with nothing new happening. What else is new.

Hope ya'll had a great weekend. Here's to everyone having a great week!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I attended the graduation party of one of the kids I used to babysit. His sister graduated from college a few weeks ago. They are trying to make me old.

I got out for a little while this weekend. Which was nice, but at this point it is too far and few between. EVERYTHING is getting on my nerves here at home. I really miss living on my own. I hate that I am still living at home. I was on my own for too long to enjoy being back at home.

I put in another 2 job applications today. These 2 are in OH. There are another 2 applications that I could qualify for, but they are in Alaska and Hawaii. Those are a little farther away from where I would like to go. Both require going back to GA for more training, and neither are jobs that I would want to stay in permanently. I don't want to go through bootcamp again unless it is a job I want to stay at. It isn't something I enjoy doing. So, we'll see if I have any luck with these last applications. I still have a bunch more floating out there that I haven't heard anything from yet. With any luck, I'll get one of the jobs. *crosses fingers*

Wish me luck. Ya'll have a great week.