Saturday, April 29, 2006

I should be all excited today. I get to do whatever I want. I get to go out for a great dinner tonight.... langostinos!!!! Why am I not excited? My plan was to stay up pretty late last night and then sleep 'til at least 10am. I really just wanted to sleep in, wake up when my body was rested and go on about my relaxing day. Why didn't that happen? At 8am, my grandma called me!!! FOR NOTHING!!!! When P-Nut becomes president of the world (and I, her Secretary of Ass Kicking), it will be illegal to be awake that early, let alone call someone that early!

Well, here's to a great rest of the day!

Friday, April 28, 2006

It's been a while...

Well, I did live through the surgery. Alive and kickin'. A great big thanks for all of the well wishers. *crosses finger that this was the last surgery for a while*

The main reason it took me so long to update my blog here is because my modem died on Thursday of last week, and I just got the new modem last night late. It's a really cool modem. It fits in the PC Card slot. It was a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new modem and paying the guy to take my poor laptop apart. It's a hell of a lot faster than my last one was too.... even using dial up. I'm having a good ol' time playing with the internet again.

I had tried to get online a couple of times with my parents' dinosaur.... it kept kicking me off every time I clicked on a link saying "illegal operation." I hate that damn thing. By the second time I tried to use it, I gave up and decided to wait 'til I got the new modem.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's here...

Well, I've been busy for a couple of days. More digging took place on Tuesday. I didn't think I was going to be able to move for a week. But, I rented a new video game Tuesday night. I was able to move in front of the TV to sit there and play for hours on end. I've been off the last 2 days, so all I've been doing is playing the game. I took a break now, 'cause my eyes are beginning to cross. And, got on the computer.... that makes sense, right?

The day of surgery is tomorrow. I'll be up at an unGodly hour of the morning.... try 3am to be at the hospital (2 hours away) by 5:30. But, I should be released by lunch time. Then I get the 2 hour drive home (hopefully with massive amounts of pain killers). I'll be off of work for at least a week and a half. I have a feeling that I will be hopping over to the store and buying the game I rented ('cause I won't have beaten the game by tomorrow, and I really like the game) to kill time 'til I go back to work.

My life is soooo exciting, isn't it?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Another Monday...

Well, I got some work today. I dug a trench. Yep, that's right. I don't think I'll be able to move tomorrow. The trench was 80+ feet long with 2 long branches coming off of it. At its deepest, the trench was 2 and a half feet deep and slowly tapered up to about 6 inches deep. It wouldn't have been horrible, except once you got through the 2 inches of gravel there was solidly packed (used to be under asphalt) clay. Everything had to be pick-axed before you even tried to shovel it out. At least I impressed my dad by getting it done. He thought sure that I would still be working on it tomorrow. I wasn't sure I would make it. I've had so much trouble breathing today, it's ridiculous. I was only able to take around 3 shovel fulls before I had to pause to catch my breath 'cause I was seeing stars. I'm still hacking and coughing like crazy and now it is beginning to hurt my head everytime I cough. Nothing seems to work. It's a pain in the ass!

Dad didn't work today, except for getting me started on the trench. Mom finally convinced him to go to the doctor about his passing out over the weekend. The doctor sent him straight to the hospital, where they ran dozens of tests. EKG, CAT scan, blood work, chest X-ray, etc. They all came back normal. So, they are baffled. Figures.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all. Hope you are having a great weekend!

This is the first time I've been online in a few days. Got 3 days of work last week. Hoping for at least that this week. Then, it's 2 weeks off for me beginning Friday.

Spent a couple hours with Peanut on Friday. We had a yummy, yummy meal at Cozumel, my favorite restaurant for Mexican. Ordered my usual, a chicken quesadilla. Mmmmmmm. Her sweetie sent her a beautiful bouquet of flowers that day. They were beautiful, but hell on my allergies. I probably shouldn't have driven home that night, though I couldn't have stayed there. I had a massive headache the whole way home (from lack of oxygen) and when I got out of the truck, I was seeing stars. I wasn't sure I was going to make it to the front door without passing out in the yard. I ended up using my inhaler when I got into the house, but it only helped moderately. My dad gave me his inhaler to try last night (his is prescription). Thank the Lord it did and now I can breathe a little better.

Dad is having major problems with his allergies as well. He was down at my grandparents' house and he started coughing. The next thing he knew, my grandfather was trying to wake him up. He coughed so hard for so long that he passed out! I don't know what it is this year, but it seems like everyone is suffering a lot more with their allergies than before.

Well, I'm off to roam the net. Have a great one!

Monday, April 10, 2006


Well, it's Monday. At least I am conscious today. Finally, the benedryl has worn off. I spent all day yesterday watching movies, and all day Saturday sleeping.

I managed to get 8 hours again today. It only took 4 hours to sort out the thermostat wires from the furnace we worked on Friday. What a mess! To the outside unit, there were 12 wires.... when we were done, there were 2! There were 12 more from the furnace to the thermostat. We had 8 strands in 1 wire going upstairs. Craziness!

It looks like I'm gonna get some hours tomorrow too. Thank goodness. I'm pacing, waiting for my income tax return to be deposited into my account, so I can handle the bills I've got coming. With only 8 working days left before my surgery, I am getting a little nervous where the finances are concerned. I hate asking my parents for help. I've been buying everything I've needed since I started babysitting at age 11. This is making me crazy! My brother was always the one going to them for money. Not me. It's a real adjustment. Maybe the return will come in the next day or so.

And, one last tangent I must go off on before signing off is the Pirates. They won their 1st game of the season, ONLY 6 games in! The home opener is tonight... I send my sympathy to 24hr Security. I'm thinking of you all.... and laughing. Sorry, but I had to speak the truth. I do empathize with your having to deal with the bosses.... all of 'em. Hope ya'll are having a good one.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Well, almost

Had a bunch of interruptions last night, so I didn't finish reading LU. Got to page 193 though. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be smart for me to open it and work on it now. In fact, just writing this blog could be dangerous. You see, Spring is here. Everyone else sees pretty things growing, I see misery. Yes, I have inherited severe allergies from my dad. So I sit here writing this as I wait for my allergy meds to kick in. The dangers? My meds make me really loopy. Not good when combined with writing. At least not when you are trying to make sense.... well as much sense as I am capable of making.

I haven't really slept well since the time change, which isn't helping matters any. But the combination of already being tired and Benedryl, I should be out most of the weekend. You know I'm desperate to get rid of the symptoms when I bypass the meds that work pretty well (with no lingering effects) for the meds that knock me flat on my ass for days on end.

My mom reminded me today that two weeks from today, I have my surgery. See how well my day has been going.

I did get 8 hours of work today though. The 4 hour furnace was a royal pain in the ass! Whoever put the last one in rigged it.... BIG TIME! The damn thing still isn't finished yet. Instead of using 8 wire- thermostat wire, they used 5 strands of 2 wire. Now, how exactly are we supposed to know what wire is hooked to what? In 2 wire, there is a red one, and a white one. When you have red ones hooked to 5 different spots and no way to trace the wire to find the origin.....???? So, someone gets to go back on Monday and run all new wires.... not my idea of a good time.

Anyway, I think I'm starting to not make sense.... wait, I never make sense! But, I'm gonna stop rambling now and attempt sleep. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Writing again.... FINALLY!!

Well, I've come to a realization. I need to write. I was helping out a published author, answering questions she had on investigations (at least my training is coming in handy for something ;P ). It really made me want to work on my own WIP. I wanted to work on LU, not BBL. I really want to be able to write BBL for my dad, but that is what made me stop writing. I only ever managed to give myself a migraine and never got much written in the story. But, Monday night, my LU characters reappeared in my head. They had been trying to get my attention for months, but I couldn't work on LU until BBL was finished... at least that what what I told myself. Well, Emily and Jeremy are having none of that anymore. They want to be heard, an that is the end of it. They've kept me awake the last few nights with their incessant chatter. So, yesterday, I opened LU. I read 122 pages last night and will begin reading again once I finish this. I needed to reread what I had already written in order to remember what I still need to tie up and refresh what has already happened to the characters. Maybe after getting some new stuff done on LU, then I'll get motivated to try BBL again..... maybe.

I got 8 hours of work in today. Putting in copper baseboard. I managed to make it until after lunch before I cut the hell out of my hands. There was nothing wrong with the heating system in this house in December.... but someone forgot to hire an intelligent electrician. He shut off the breaker to the boiler and never turned it back on, then left for the weekend. Hint: Pipes that are full of water will burst when frozen. There was cast iron baseboard in the house. Every single piece was shattered. 2 floors of cast iron bits EVERYWHERE! Not to mention the water damage. Luckily, I was not involved in the clean up (I was still out from my knee surgery)... just the installation of the new stuff... which is a royal pain in the ass. We got the first floor almost completed, all but one 9 foot section. I don't think anyone will be going back there until Monday though. I might be putting in a new boiler tomorrow. *crosses fingers* But, it looks like I'll only be getting half a day tomorrow, if I work at all. I guess that will give me more time to work on LU, right? Maybe lightning will strike and I'll finish it soon. Then, I'll only have to have lightning strike twice to get it published and make a dollar or two... wishful thinking.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Another dull day

Man, I really need a life. I had no work again today. Managed to read 1 book and start another. Talk about exciting. I'm reduced to living life through books. What else did I do.... I drove 3 miles to get a lottery ticket for my dad. Sounds exciting, huh? Fun, fun, fun.

Oh, I did something yesterday. I figured out my taxes. Doesn't that sound like fun? I really need to find something to do. I'm tired of sitting around the house all the time (not that I can really afford to do anything else), and frankly, me, myself and I are getting sick of hanging out with one another. Even the cat is getting sick of having me around. That's sad... although he usually is pretty grumpy anyway.

Well, with nothing else to bore you with, I'm signing off.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Happy April Fool's Day!

It is that time of year once again... time to turn the clocks back and lose an hour of sleep. I really wouldn't mind it, except for the last 2 days, I've woken up before my alarm went off, and I woke up well rested too(even after going to bed really late). That won't happen again until this time next year.

My computer is being stupid again today. For the last week, it only logs me into AIM once every 3 days without giving me a ton of shit and arguing about not being reponsive or some such crap. That day was yesterday, so today it is taking FOREVER to get it to cooperate. I am on attempt number 10 right now and still no luck. Grrr. I hate technology. It's is supposed to make life simpler, but all it really does is make crap harder to fix when stuff goes wrong.

Played Pinocle last night with PNut... after a failed attempt to play Age of Mythology online (my computer was once again acting stupid and wouldn't cooperate with the link up). We had a good time. It had been a few years since we had played together.

NoHawk showed up while we were playing, I guess to say goodbye to my parents; he's leaving today to go to Florida with his swim team (he a coach) for a competition. He couldn't resist stopping in to bug me and the cat. He almost drew back a stump when he was torturing the cat.

Well, apparently I'm not supposed to be on AIM this morning. I finally give in. It just isn't working for me this morning. I'm going to do some investigating on my Age of Mythology problem. Hope everybody has a good weekend.