Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm sick and tired....

Of being sick. I was only able to work about 6 hours yesterday and I ended up completely calling off today. This royally sucks! I have been sick for nearly a week now. And, in that week have probably eaten enough to sustain me for half a day. Grrrr. I know I am trying to lose a couple of pounds, but this is not the way I intended to do it.

Well, I'm really beat (and I've only been out of bed for about 10 minutes), so back up I go in hopes of feeling better.... someday. Hope ya'll never get this. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The 3rd one hit.

Yep, that's right. Bad things happen in threes and we had the first 2 already. Today, the 3rd one finally hit. We were all really excited, because my younger cousin's heart surgery went better than anyone had been expecting. We thought we'd avoided it. We were wrong. Although, today's incident is because of the guy's own stupidity. One of the guys I work with, the youngest of us all was working at a job site on his own today (something he does often). There were a ton of people there working on it, but he was the only one from our company.

Now, I guess I should set this up a little. It has been raining/snowing for the past 5 days. At my house, I haven't shoveled because there is an inch of ice beneath the snow. Then there is a kind of crust on top of the snow (which is only a couple inches deep, not the 12-18 inches that the weather guys were calling for... the dolts). Anyway, are any of you dumb enough to think it is a good idea to got ON TOP OF A ROOF in these conditions? Well, he was. He was educated at the same high school I went to, so I guess he does have somewhat of an excuse, sort of (i.e., my high school didn't pop out any geniuses. Hell, they didn't pop out many with a IQ higher than 3). Obviously, the guy fell off the roof. Broke his arm and needed a bunch of stitches in his head. He'll be off work for a while. So, Dad's in Maui (having a blast), this guy's incapacitated for a couple of weeks, I'm going on vacation next week (THANK THE LORD!!!!), and I am still sick now, so not a lot of help at work at the moment. Basically, we have the other owner (who only really does the paperwork. We don't allow him near tools, because he always hurts himself.... I'm seeing a pattern here), the service guy (who usually hurts himself, though not as often) and me. And, we have LOTS to do, 'cause we are starting to fall behind in a couple of jobs. Dad wasn't able to do a whole lot before he left 'cause of his back. We had a bunch of jobs that we were waaay ahead of schedule on, but that started to even out with Dad hurt. Now, with only 2 of us really working and a bunch of different jobs going on, it's going to be crazy! I better start feeling better really fast!

I was able to work all day today. I should have come home right after I turned in my timesheet for last week, but I said I'd try to work as long as I could. At 10am, I was really ready to come home, but we got the call that the boss was at the hospital with the guy who fell off the roof. That was the end of that. I managed to pull off working the rest of the day, barely. And, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get any opportunity to rest the rest of the week. *whimpers* My body is aching more, just at the thought of it.

Well, I'm gonna go ccatch as many zzz's as I can. Lord knows, I'm never gonna be able to keep any dinner down, so why even attempt it. The bed is calling me and it is there I am going. Night all. Hope you NEVER get whatever the hell it is that I have. 'Cause this is some nasty stuff.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

That nagging headache that started on Thursday? I wish it had stayed that way. Let's just say, a headache was a picnic compared to how I felt yesterday. I'm feeling almost human today, but damn! I was so sick yesterday. The headache is kind of back again. I'm hoping I don't have a repeat performance, 'cause I don't think that my body could take another bout of that.

Anyway, Mom and Dad landed safe and sound on Maui. They said it was 80 degrees there when they got off the plane. Must be nice. We are in the middle of a week of snowfall at the moment here. It sucks, let me tell you. I'll be happy when spring arrives again. But, then I'll start bitching 'cause of my allergies. Guess I just can't win.

I haven't gotten much done on the WIP the last few days. I don't think I sat down between getting up and going to bed on Wednesday and then Thursday night all hell broke loose with my body. I spent all day yesterday in bed, miserable. If I wasn't afraid of puking all over my laptop, I may have gotten it out. I may try to pull it out for a little bit today, if the headache doesn't get any worse.

Well, my energy is just about gone. Time to go rest and try recover some of it. Hope ya'll have a good one

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nagging headaches, adoption and marriage

I've got a nagging headache at the moment, so I'm not sure how long this post will end up being. Not sure where it came from but, I've had it since before lunch and it doesn't seem to want to go away. Grrr. It didn't help that I went shopping today. I hate shopping. But, I am making dinner for P-Nut and her fiance tomorrow night and needed to get the stuff to make it... otherwise I'd have to feed them dirt. Hehe. I can't wait! I just hope that the weather holds out. We are supposed to get dumped on this weekend, but it's not supposed to start until early Saturday morning... then again, the weather guys are never right, even if they are looking out the window.

The electrician that we've been working with came up to me today, after learning that I sent my parents to Hawaii for their anniversary. He kept telling me all day that he wants to adopt me. Then I go to another job site and the owner of the restaurant starts asking me weird questions. Like, how old am I; am I married. Then he proceeds to tell me that he is going to set me up on a date. UMMMM? I don't know this guy, other than working on a couple of different large jobs for him... his parents' house, his house, his old restaurant (which is out of business), and now the new restaurant. I hate to say it, but he's not the brightest bulb in the box. And, he loves to flaunt the fact that he has money, always telling everybody how much he spent on everything, and not lowering himself to speak to people who aren't as well off as he is. SO, I have no idea why he's even speaking to me, let alone saying he wants to set me up. Strange, strange man. Granted, I can't get a date on my own, but I certainly never asked HIM for help in that area. Hell, I think I've only said a total of 10 words to the man in the entire 3 years since I met him. I'm so confused. Help? Anyone?

Well, I better sign off. I need to do a major overhaul in the bathroom if I'm gonna have company use it tomorrow. Have a good one.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

They're gone!!!

Yep, the parents have gone out the door and won't be back until next Friday. I will definitely be enjoying the house to myself. This is a really short post, 'cause I need to do a ton of stuff tonight, but I wanted to write and say that I wrote a few more pages in the WIP. Three and a half to be exact. Not a ton, but it's something. I am hoping to get a few more pages in tonight.

Well, I'm off to make me some dinner.... then I have a to do list a mile long.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It was another long, short day.

Yep. I was finished working by around 3pm, but it felt like I worked until midnight. I really just want one good night's sleep. Just one, that's all I'm asking for. I had to get up really early on Saturday to "babysit" my grandfather, while my mom went to praise band practice at church. Which was fine. As long as I got to sleep in on Sunday. I asked my dad (because he was going to go to my grandfather's early Sunday, so my mom could go to church), to please either take his cell phone with him or turn it off. See, he leaves it on the kitchen counter and it never fails his one buddy always calls him to go golfing at ungodly hours of the morning. Rain or shine, sleet or snow, Jack always calls. AND WAKES ME UP! Did he take his cell phone? No. Did he turn it off? No. So once again, I get woken up and can't get back to sleep. And, he thinks it's hilarious. Seriously, is it so much to ask? I'd like to say that this weekend will be different because they'll be away, but it won't. Saturday, I will be at my grandfather's from very early Saturday morning until sometime in the evening. So Saturday is out for sleeping in. I told my dad if he didn't take his phone with him, I was going to shut it off and bury it in the woods behind the house. I plan to turn their house phone off. I may even duct tape the beagle's mouth shut... nah, I wouldn't go that far, would I? ;)

Anyway, I am torturing myself once again. I've begun Shards of Crimson, the Crimson City Anthology that Patti O'Shea has written one of the novellas. It's the very last one in the book and I am very anxious to get to it. But, as I did with Patti's last book, I only allow myself to read some, after I have written in the WIP. So, I am hoping to really get moving in the WIP. I've been able to write bits and pieces here and there, but no major additions lately. No more than a couple of pages in a sitting. I used to write 20+ pages easily. But, at least I am slowly coming out of the writing rut that I was in. I actually had a couple of scenes pop into my head while I was working today, so I am hoping to get those down... the problem is that there are a few pages I need to write before getting to that part of the story. But, my characters are starting to talk to me more and more, so I'm hoping that moves the writing on a little faster.

My parent's are leaving tomorrow to head out to Hawaii. They are both really excited. They get to leave, just as the snow starts really flying. Must be nice. Too bad I couldn't afford to send myself, too. They'll be snorkeling and I'll be shoveling. Doesn't exactly sound fair to me. But, I do get to go on vacation the following week. YEAH! A week in the mountains in WV. Yeah, not the most glamorous place to go. But the cabin is so relaxing. No phone service, no traffic. No parents, no beagle. I'll be in heaven! I am waaay too excited for this. Uninterupted time to work the WIP (my goal is to finish it while I'm there). Lots of time to read. AND, lots of time to take NAPS!!!!!!! It couldn't come at a better time.... well, it would be nice to go there now, but I'll survive.

Hope ya'll are having a good one!

Friday, January 12, 2007

A quick post.

Another quick post today. As an update from yesterday's post, I can move! I'm very stiff, very sore and moving slower than usual, but I am moving nonetheless. My left ankle is black and blue. Thankfully my neck muscles have loosened up, but the ones in the center of my back are still very tight and painful. It's a lot of fun, let me tell you.

I am in for a lot of fun tonight though. I get to take my cat (evil creature that he is) to the vet tonight. Anyone want to volunteer to come over here and put him in his cage? Or at least lend me some of that metal mesh stuff that people wear when they go swimming with the sharks? No? Didn't think so. Believe it or not, the cage part is gonna be the easiest part. I shudder at the thought.

Well, wish me luck. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just a quick one...

I'm still not sleeping, but at this point, that is the good news. I royally messed myself up today. As I said yesterday, I did something to my back yesterday while getting the coal. I didn't help it today. I am, at the moment, stiff and sore from the middle of my back up through the base of my skull. Sounds like fun, huh? Not the best part. My ankles are made of Jell-o. They used to pop out of place at least once a day. Thankfully I was able to strengthen them up to where they didn't do it nearly as often. In fact, it has been nearly a year since the last time it happened. Well, it was nearly a year. I popped the left one out, not once, but TWICE today. I'll be surprised if I can even walk on it tomorrow.

Well, I need to make some dinner and then I am off to bed.... as soon as I find the ankle brace I'm sure I'll need tomorrow. *sighs* If I can sit up enough to work on the WIP, I plan to work on it at least a little. Didn't get too much done on it yesterday, but at least I did work on it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Me so sleepy...

Yep, I'm still not sleeping. I could almost fall asleep here at the computer, but the moment I try to sleep, I'm wide awake with no hope of accomplishing my goal. Grrr. And, more good news, I think I hurt myself trying to fill the coal buckets today. Ever try to get a bucket of coal from a 5 ton solid block of coal? Yep, that's right. It is frozen solid. I got the lip of the bucket in there and yanked (before realizing it was solid). I almost pulled my arms out of the sockets. Something in my back really protested. Well, lets just hope I can move tomorrow, 'cause I've got a long, cold day ahead of me.

Dad's back isn't much better. He's been to see the chiropractor a couple of times, but he doesn't rest in between, so it's really a moot point. He won't listen. My aunt told him he should go for acupuncture (however you spell it), she swears by it. But, it'll be a cold day in hell before that happens. I don't know how he's gonna sit on a plane for 12 hours.

Well, time for me to go work on the WIP.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A different kind of a day...

My day started out horribly. I didn't sleep well last night... as usual. I really didn't want to get out of bed. I rolled out though and when I got to work found out that I'd be working outside ALL DAY! It has been snowing and blowing around here ALL DAY! Basically I sit here typing this frozen solid. I know if I go upstairs right this moment to take a hot shower and thaw out, I'll never come back down to write this... so, I sit here shivering like crazy. But, it is warm enough in the house that I am beginning to thaw. Good thing I threw an extra couple of buckets of coal in the furnace last night! Brrrrrr. It was a cold and miserable day.

But, then I came home and decided to blog and check email before I thawed out... and what do I find? One email from a potential employer who actually is considering me for a job.... YAHOOO!! But, that's not even the best! My favorite author emailed me! I had answered a couple of questions for her while she was working on a book, and now she said she is going to thank me in her book! How COOL is THAT!!!!!! If I wasn't frozen to the chair, I'd be up doing a little jig! Hey, that might warm me up. I'll be right back.....

It worked! At least the blood is pumping again. As soon as In the Midnight Hour by Patti O'Shea comes out, I expect all of you to go out and buy it! She's an amazing writer. I can never put her books down. I think that there is only one book of hers that I didn't read it all in one day... and that is only because I would only allow myself to read a couple of chapters as reward for writing in my own WIP. It was tough to do, but I did get a lot of writing done... 'cause I couldn't wait to get back to the book! I'm still totally stunned that she is thanking me this way. Wow! I've been saying that alot!

Okay, time to get thawed. I just want to say THANK YOU, PATTI. It was truly my pleasure and this was totally unexpected!

Monday, January 08, 2007

OH NO! Monday again!!

UHHH! The weekend was WAAAAY too short! Dad finally went to the hospital on Saturday after not being able to stand at all. Turned out that he sprained his back. Not as serious as I was thinking. I thought he slipped a disk or something. But, he's still not moving around too well, which leaves all the heavy lifting to me. It sucks. We have a coal furnace in my house. Why? Don't ask me. I hate the damn thing. But, since Dad can't do it, I get to haul in bucket after bucket of coal each and everyday as well as hauling out bucket after bucket of ashes. And, I never quite realized how heavy his music equipment is. He usually carries most of it. Not this weekend though. My back is sore today from all the lifting over the weekend. The knee isn't so happy with me either. Apparently for the new year, the whole family is going to be gimpy.

I do have some good news to report though! I did some writing this weekend! YAY ME! Not a ton of writing, but my hero is reluctantly speaking to me again, so it is looking up. I was at my grandfather's over the weekend and planned to write.... I took my laptop and everything.... but there isn't a 3 pronged plug anywhere in that house! And, I didn't have an adapter with me. So that was a bust but, I read through most of the WIP yesterday, making a few edits along the way and manages to write a couple of pages after that. I'm hoping to get some more time on it tonight.... but the furnace has to come first.... it's cold out there today, so I guess I should go and haul in some coal.

Hope ya'll are having a good one!

Friday, January 05, 2007


It has been such a long week!... yet, it was only a 4 day work week. I am so happy that it is finally Friday. I haven't slept much this week and am sincerely hoping to get to sleep in tomorrow. Granted the chances of that are slim and none, but I can hope, right?

Dad is playing tonight, and is still having trouble with his back, so I have to go and be the 'roadie' tonight. I was planning to stay home, 'cause I am really tired and sore from doing all of the heavy lifting by myself this week. Guess that ain't gonna happen. Maybe I can sneak in a quick nap before I have to leave.

I got a little editing done on the WIP last night. The point in the story, that I need to start writing again, is in the hero's point of view and he seems to have stopped talking to me, which makes writing it impossible.... at least writing what is going on in his head and what he would be doing.

Well, I better go now, if I'm going to try to take a nap. Have a good one!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Just keeps getting better and better....

After yesterday's blog, I was ready to go upstairs and turn on the laptop and start typing away with the WIP. I finished the laundry and dinner, then headed up there ready as ever to start writing again. Then the phone rang. The good news keeps on coming. I blogged yesterday about my grandfather. Last night, we found out the my grandmother (different side of the family) was just diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Just when she stops smoking (just a few months ago) this happens. Granted, she did it to herself by smoking a couple packs a day for 40+ years, but still. I just keep thinking, 'what is next?' They say that things happen in threes, right?

What is really scary is that my cousin (19 years old) is going in to have open heart surgery on the 15th of this month. The only thing he asked for this Christmas.... a black suit. He's never had one before. He was born mentally handicapped. He is 19, but looks to be about 8. He was born with a hole in his heart (so, this will be his second open heart surgery). He's never been able to eat. He has been fed by a tube his whole life. But, he is the happiest kid you could ever meet. He brings such a life force into whatever room he enters. And cars, Lord, does that boy know cars. He has many thousands of matchbox cars. He loves them and everyone buys him cars for his birthday and Christmas. You could pick anyone of those cars out of his toy chest and he could tell you the type of car it is. It is amazing! And, he knows which ones he already has! If you put a catalog of matchbox cars in front of him, he can point out each and every one that he already has and which ones he doesn't. He wasn't expected to live past the age of 5. Already he has amazed his doctors. He's had a number of surgeries, but this time, he says he's scared. He's never said that before. You have to wonder if he knows something that we don't. I really hope not.

I guess there is a reason that I'm still living with my parents though. They are both really stressed now that both have parents who have declining health. So, at least, I am here to help out with the cleaning and cooking. Granted it is still not easy being back home after being away for 8 years. I was sort of hoping that it got easier the longer that I've been here, but it hasn't been the case. And, so far I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

But, as I said in my New Year's post, I am going to try my hardest to not let this and the difficult time I've been having finding a new job to get me down.

Well, I've droned on long enough. See you next time.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What a day...

It's been a long one and I only worked for 7 hours. My dad hurt his back last night and couldn't do a whole lot today... which left me with most of the work. This included carrying a 50 gallon waterheater around a back hoe and over a crapload of boulders all by myself. At least, I didn't give myself a hernia. The owner of the house we were working on is a moron. Among the many other reasons I have for saying this is the fact that he parked the backhoe right in front of the garage door. This is a vacation home/hunting cabin for this guy. IT HAS AN ELEVATOR! Not only is it the ugliest house I have ever been privileged to work in, it is the most expensive (residential house that is). The cost is over a million dollars. He's trying to be his own contractor (yet, doesn't know the foggiest thing about construction). And, nothing is the same as the blueprints, yet he wants us to give him an accurate drawing of what we are doing BEFORE we do it.... on the BLUEPRINTS. The house isn't even the same shape in actuality as it is on the blueprints. I am just thanking the Lord that we are almost done there. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to work on the WIP last night. There wasn't a moment that I had time to do it. I am going to try to spend some time on it tonight, but it is not looking good so far. There is a lot to do around the house. My mom is running herself ragged, because my grandfather had a stroke last week and is now suffering from expressive ephasia... he can't read anymore and doesn't know what numbers mean or what to do with them. His speech has also been affected. Luckily, he can still move around well. So I'm making all the dinners and doing all of the cleaning and laundry myself, especially with my dad not being able to move real well. So, things are pretty crazy. I plan to emerse myself in the WIP over the weekend. Although, I'll probably be at my grandfather's watching him, so that may not happen. He can't be left alone anymore because if he needed help, he wouldn't be able to call anyone, so we are all tag teaming with staying overnight at his house and spending the day with him. He has been napping lately though, so maybe I can sneak in a couple of hours of writing then.

Well, I'm off to switch loads in the washer and start dinner. Until next time...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Well, happy new year to all! Hope ya'll had a good 2006. And, here's to a GREAT 2007!

For the first time since I can remember, I am making some resolutions.

1. GET WRITING ON MY WIP!!!!!!! I need to get moving on it. My mind hasn't been in a good place to write, and I can't force the writing because then it ends up sounding forced in the story. So, my plan is to work on editing the WIP, and should the creative juices start flowing again *crosses fingers*, move on to actually writing.

2. Get my head out of this funk! I'm getting sick and tired of feeling crappy all the time. I am doing everything I can to find a new job (unsuccessfully), and I'm still living with my parents.. grrr. I don't have the power to change that at the moment. I'm doing all I can, so I have to accept that. I just need to work on being an all around happier person.

3. The usual for everyone, lose a couple of pounds. I'm not fat by any stretch of the imagination. I realize this. But, I am heavier than I like to be (and NO, I NEVER WANT TO LOOK LIKE A STICK, either!). Because of the funk in my head, I've been spending more than my share of time in my room, in my bed. Just reading or watching TV. I do absolutely nothing that resembles exercise (other than carrying boilers and furnaces around at work). I've lost a lot of the muscletone I managed to get while in training. I have no desire to go that far again, but I do need to do something. Since I don't own a scale (and have no intention of getting one), I'm not going by pounds. I just need to get a little more fit. Maybe eat a little better too. Maybe no more dinners of fudge and ice cream..... maybe ;)

Well, this is the longest post I've had in a while. Maybe for number 4, post on my blog more often. Yeah, definately. Hopefully, I'll have lots of progress on the WIP to blog about and being happier, maybe I'll be able to come up with something interesting to say. OKAY,


I think that is enough resolutions. Good luck on any resolutions that you made.... and wish me luck with mine ;)

Until next time....