Thursday, October 12, 2006

Uh oh... I was bored.

I know I've posted before about what happens when I get bored, but in case you missed it... Either my hair changes color or length. This time it was length. I cut about 12 inches off when I got out of the shower today... whoops. It's shorter than it has been in years. It's as short as it was in college when I allowed P-Nut to cut my hair and she went a little crazy. Might even be shorter than that. My only dilema now is where to put my pencil when I am working. I used to be able to put my long hair in a bun and stick my pencil there... but now it is WAAAY too short to put in a bun. I'll be lucky to be able to pull some of it back. A ponytail won't be an option for a few weeks.... I only say weeks because my hair grows really fast.... probably close to 2 feet a year.

Anyway, my brother is officially a married man. Unfortunately, now my mom is hounding me about getting married. Somehow she doesn't get that I need to have a date before I get married. It's not like there are guys lining up to knock on my door. I'm really shy and a homebody. Translation... I never go out, and when I do, I don't talk to anyone. Not a good combination when it comes to meeting people. Add to that, the fact that when I do get out, it is to go with my dad when he is playing. Not real conducive to meeting guys.

So, her solution is to try to get me to go out with my brother's best friend... her practically adopted son. Granted, I had a MAJOR crush on the boy when I was A LOT younger, but that was a long time ago. Not to mention the fact that he has never shown any interest in me whatsoever (and Nut, we ain't counting when the boy is hammered). She's trying to get my favorite aunt on her side too. Besides the fact that we aren't going to hook up, I know for a fact that if we did, then broke up, my family would side with the guy. There is ZERO question in my mind that it would go like that.

In some good news, I got 2 letters in the mail. They were not instant rejection letters from one of the many, many applications I have put out over the past few weeks. They weren't job offers, but they were at least positive, saying that my resume is moving forward and still in consideration for the position. I will be contacted again if they want an interview. *crosses fingers, and toes and legs and arms and anything else I can find to cross.*

Unfortunately, I'm still not writing. I don't know why I can't get out of this funk. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am so frustrated with trying to find a job and FINALLY get out of my parents house... AGAIN. But, I can tell when I am like this in my stories. My writing reflects how I am feeling and I don't want to ruin what I have so far with it. Up to this point, I really like my story (not something that has happened before). It actually sounds good to me. So, I've been reading some and doing some other crafty stuff. Nothing too interesting though.

At least I've gotten a little bit written here.... maybe it won't be so long until I writing again...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still alive...

Yep, I'm still here. But, I still don't have anything to say.

But, I wanted to write real quick. I will be out of town for a few days since my brother is getting married on Thursday. I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning, so if I had anything to say, I wouldn't get any chance, since I won't have internet service.

Hopefully, I'll have something to say by the time I get back.