... 2...
2 more days left. Tomorrow at midnight, I am no longer an employee here, and boy does that make me happy!
Mom came over this morning and we got some more packing done and got the rug in one of the rooms scrubbed. P-Nut, your old room has never been cleaner. There isn't a thing on the floor! I will be remedying that soon. So that I can scrub the rug in the room I used. There is still waaay too much to do.
JD spent the day hiding in one of the kitchen cabinets, growling anytime anyone walked past it. He was less traumatized by the time I left the apartment for work, but by that time Mom had been gone for almost 2 hours. He was ok with my dad though, so hopefully this move won't be too bad for him. I don't want to leave him while I am in training, but it isn't like I have much choice in the matter. But, the boy has an attitude when I leave him for an 8 hour shift, let alone, leaving him for 6 months. He probably won't talk to me, or come near me for days, when I get back!!
Looks like my mom is going to miss my graduation from training. She's going on a trip with her church to Israel that leaves on the 31st of January. They'll be gone for about a week and my graduation is to be Feb 3. I hoping that my dad will at least make it. I know he's not going with her, 'cause he says there is no way in hell he would fly over an ocean. Just wait 'til he finds out that he's flying over half of one when I send them to Hawaii!
Come on back for the exciting conclusion tomorrow. I'm gonna try to post at the beginning of my shift with ... 1..., then again at the end of my shift (should there be time) to commemorate the end of my employment! WHOO HOO!!!