Oh Happy DAY
OK, so that was yesterday, but I am still on a high from it! I actually got the time to work on my WIP!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to get enough time in a row to re-read the damn thing 'cause I didn't remember half of the stuff that I started and still need to tie up. AND, I managed to add about 3 pages there at the end! Today, during lecture (shhh, don't tell... the class was on abnormal behavior and anyone who knows me, knows I'm an EXPERT in that particular field ;) ) I wrote up a little goal sheet that sets a certain number of pages per week, depending on how much course work and afterhours that are in the schedule for each week for the reat of the time I am here at training in GA. According to my schedule, I should be able to get 110 pages done in the next 5 and a half weeks.... if I can keep my eyes open and form a coherent thought.
I needed a schedule to start moving again, and I'm going to try not to beat myself up if I don't make the goal for the week.... I mean I do have a lot of stuff that I have to do for training afterhours as well as during the regular hours.... and plan in sleeping and eating in there somewhere.
My PT test this morning went about as well as I expected it would. I managed to screw up my knee again. This really needs to stop happening, otherwise they could send me home and recycle me when they feel it's appropriate. But, there is NO WAY I want to come back and do this 4 weeks over again. I went to the trainer after class today and it seemed to help some.... it's not aching like it was, but I'm not sure it has completely thawed yet either. In case you weren't aware, being submerged to your hip in a metal tank in 50 degree water....WITH ICE IN IT, is not exactly fun. It worked, but wasn't by any means fun. Something tells me that when they have to put a special covering on your feet, SO THEY DON'T GET FROSTBITTEN that it is not exactly a good thing. But another PT test tomorrow should be LOADS of fun.... looks like I'll be soaking in ice again. yeah.
Well, I'm off to get some rest before the long day tomorrow.