Wednesday, August 30, 2006

still sick and it SUCKS!

Yep, still sick. I had to stay home for work ALL DAY yesterday. I was hoping to be able to go to work once the pain killers kicked in.... no such luck. I did go to work today, but had no energy, since I had nothing to eat yesterday except 6 pieces of cashews.... yummy. I had 3 bites of lunch and only barely managed to keep it down. I was at least able to eat a little more for dinner tonight.... and I do mean a LITTLE more. Try 5 bites. This is really beginning to irritate me. I am convinced that my body hates me and just likes to torture me.

I am almost done with my Christmas shopping... YEAH! I did some more while lying here in bed. I am addicted to this one catalog that I have gotten for the past couple of years. Not sure how I started getting it, but I like it. It has a lot of good stuff in it and it is ALL affordable. I know that one person in particular is going to be pissed at Christmas time, but I saw a bunch of things and I couldn't decide which one I liked better.... so I got them all. Whoops! There are only 3 more things I need to get and I know what 2 of the 3 items are. Now it is just a matter of figuring out what to get for my brother.... OH! I almost forgot. He's being shipped off again (he's in the AirForce). And, he'll be gone for 4 years.... so it looks like I might have a sister-in-law in the next few months. He wants to ask his girlfriend to marry him and get married before he leaves in Feb. I guess that makes 4 gifts I have yet to get. Not a clue about what to get the fiancee either....

Well, I'm tired and feeling blah, so I am off.... until next time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well, at this time, I am normally at work. Why am I not there now? Because the surgery I had in April didn't work. Surprise, surprise. Grrrr. This is the worst it has been since the surgery. But, I had thought that I would finally no longer miss work because of it. I really can't afford to miss any hours, but I'll be off until at least lunchtime today. Depending on how I feel then will determine whether or not I work the second half of the day. Thank goodness this should only last for the day. I'll still be hurting tomorrow, but I should be able to stand up straight and not lose my lunch because the pain makes me nauseous.

Anyway, there is nothing new, as usual. Lots of applications out, no positive reponses yet. Grrr. Frustrations abound. Well, I'm gonna try and sleep for a little while. Maybe I'll feel a little better when I wake up. Until next time.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I just started (and finished) an awesome book today. Eternal Nights by Patti O'Shea. I was sucked in before I finished the prologue. Patti carries the reader into a new world. Each page carries you further and further into the story. There isn't a dull moment. The intricate detail describing the setting brings the pyramid to life. With each description, I was able to see the the setting in my head as if it was right in front of me. The characters come to life within the pages, endearing themselves to the reader. I never wanted the book to end. I want to know what happens next. My advice, pick it up and read it!!! You won't regret it!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bad Blogging returns

Again, I have been a bad blogger... neglecting my poor site. I just hate writing about nothing. I've really had nothing much to say. And, I don't want to bore anyone who visits here. I haven't really been online much anyway. Except for a quick email check and my weekly trips to the websites I visit looking for jobs, I haven't really spent anytime online. That could be because I am busy playing my GameCube again. Yep, I need a support group again. I have almost beat Paper Mario.... so I've been constantly playing it to finish it all off. In fact, that is where I'm headed to now. But, I am still alive and hope to have something interesting to say soon.

Hope ya'll are having a good week.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Feeling creative....

Now, doesn't that sounds like I'd be working on my WIP? I wish. For some odd reason I got this picture of a house in my head today while driving to a job site. What did I do the second I got home? I picked up a piece of paper and ruler and drew out the layout and design. For someone with ZERO talent when it comes to drawing, it doesn't look half bad. It actually looks like what I pictured in my head. I was stunned. But I had a good time while doing it. Who knows maybe my creative streak will continue and veer in the direction of writing.

I had actually thought about blogging on Monday and Tuesday... but I couldn't see, so that would've made it difficult. I was working at a job site on my own. Let me stress that they are no where near ready to start putting out grass seed. But, they had 20 bales of hay delivered on Monday at lunchtime. They decided it was a good idea to store the hay in the middle of the building that we are building. One problem. I have SEVERE hayfever. My lungs close, my eyes swell shut, my face gets hideously puffy, I can't stop sneezing, and have broken out in hives if I touch the stuff. Sounds fun, huh?

Now, I only take my allergy meds when I need them, because I have to sign away my first born everytime I go to buy more pills. I'll explain this fiasco before continuing with my story. The only medication that I can take that doesn't make me sick, or knock me on my ass for days, contains psuedoephedrine in it. Psuedoephedrine is now regulated my the government is cracking down on the sale of it. It is one ingredient used to make Meth. I am only allotted so much a month and to get it, I have to sign papers and fork over my driver's license and sign away my first born child. It's crazy. The first time I tried to buy it under the new "rules" the sales person asked me if I had a note from my doctor stating that I had allergies. I told her "no, but if you want, I can walk back outside for 5 minutes. When I come back inside, you'll be able to see for yourself."

Anyway, Monday my allergies weren't bothering me too much when I got up in the morning, so I decided to forego taking the meds. While I was happily eating my lunch a few miles away, they got their delivery. When I got back, I barely walked in the door (on the other side of the building) before the scent hit me and nearly knocked me back out the door. My chest instantly tightened. I'm thinking, "GOODY!!!" I ended up having to leave early that day... 'cause I don't normally carry my inhaler with me ('cause I rarely need it... maybe 3 times a year). By the time I got home, my eyes were nearly closed and I was extremely lightheaded, 'cause I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I seriously thought I was gonna pass out on the way home.... guess I shouldn't have been driving, huh?

Tuesday, I find out I'm going back to finish what I didn't get done on Monday. I took my meds and took my inhaler along 'cause I knew I would need it. I had to use it TWICE, just to get through the day. And, to help matters along, we had a nice breeze blowing through the building.... blowing little bits of hay all over me. At this point, I'm just thanking the heavens that I didn't break out in hives. But, with 8 hours of almost constant exposure, there is no allergy medication on this planet that will save you for that long. I was so miserable by the time I got back home. I still feel like there is a hay bale sitting in the bottom of my lungs and a 500lbs guy sitting on my chest. Let me just tell you, breathing is so much fun right now.

I was sort of hoping that all that exposure wouls desensitize me to it a little. But, we stopped in today for only a minute, just long enough for my dad to inspect my work from the past 2 days. We weren't in there more than 10 seconds before I started hacking and coughing. And, I still sound like I am breathing through a balloon.

Ready for the good news..... We get to work there ALL DAY on Friday as well!!!!!!! You know I am really looking forward to that.

Wow, I can't believe I wrote that much. Ah, it was all me bitching.... I'm a pro at that ;) Well, I'm off to try to be creative some more. Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Same Stuff....

Different day. As usual, I don't have a damn thing to say. It's HOT!! That is about the only thing going on around here.

Just posting to let everyone who reads this that I am still alive, just bored with nothing new to say. Still on the job hunt, still stalled in the WIP. Neither looks to change in the near future. Frustration abounds.

Hope things are going well for you all. See you next time.