Last one
This will be my last blog post until I am down in GA. I'm not sure how long, or when it will be that I am able to blog again, but hopefully it won't take long. I wanted to say that I really appreciate all of the well wishes that I have been receiving. It is so nice to hear from everyone, and your well wishes get me through the tough days. It has been a tough week here.... and the toughest part comes tomorrow.... A "fun run." Yeah, right. I think not! I'm trying to drink as much as I can tonight, before climbing into bed.... for the long night of sleep before the torture begins. Did I mention that I hate water. I have to force myself to drink it. Trust me when I say this drinking bottles and bottles of it so I don't collapse tomorrow is RIDICULOUS! I'll be headed to GA following the day's activities and classes.... so no more hotel internet. In fact, I'll be turning in the iBridge as soon as I post this.
I'll also be packing up what I can to take down to my truck tonight. The fewer trips tomorrow morning, before the damn "fun run," the better. I look forward to updating as often as I can with as much information as I can.
On the homefront, JD is starting to warm up to my parents.... yelling at them when they don't get home early enough for him. He wants his treats when he wants 'em and if you aren't home in time, he'll tell you all about it! Man, do I miss him.
I'll talk to you all again, as soon as I have the opportunity.