A blog test
You Should Be a Film Writer |
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You Should Be a Film Writer |
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Well, Saturday night was not my idea of a good time. We went over to NoHawk's place, where a poker game was taking place. There were 6 guys playing, while my brother's girlfriend and I sat around watching and trying to breathe through the cigar smoke.... yummy. I ended up having to go on a beer run at 12:30. I’d had enough and left right after returning with the beer. By that time, my brother was knocked out of the game; he could entertain his girlfriend…. I wanted to breathe.
Yes, I did it. I left the house. That hasn't happened in a while, especially since I haven't been working.... again. Dad played at a new bar (well, he played there last month, but Peanut and I got sucked into Mario Party and I didn't make it home in time to go) last night. The bar was about what I expected. It is known to get a rough sometimes. There was a fight last night. But, it took place in the parking lot BEFORE the guy came into the bar covered in mud with a nicely forming black eye. The bar was packed most of the night. Not my idea of a good time, especially when it can be a rough crowd and I'm not familiar with the bar. I was on edge most of the night and unable to relax. There were a couple of times that I thought there would be a problem and started to stand. I was at a table filled with drunken people, which doesn't make me any more comfortable. I end up in hyper watch mode because the drunks wouldn't be able to help out if a problem occured and they also have a tendency to be involved in the problem in the first place.
Well, I had my doctor's appointment today. Surgery is scheduled for April 21st. Happy birthday to me. The whole day was spent in one of 2 offices... not my idea of a good time. But, my mom and I had about an hour to kill after lunch, before appointment 2, so we stopped at Target (she'd never been in one). I found Dan Brown's first book Angels & Demons. Peanut said that she heard it was even better than The DaVinci Code, and he's an amazing author. I don't know how he was able to keep all those twists and turns straight and keep the reader mystified until the moment he was ready for them to know... I mean not even a hint. Anyway, I ended up getting the book. Guess what I'll be doing for the next few days?
I managed to survive a week of being the boss. I'm still technically the boss, 'cause the real ones are still golfing, but since there is no scheduled work (just emergency service calls) for the weekend, there isn't much for me to do.
Today was hectic. A job that was supposed to take maybe a couple hours ended up taking all day, so we got nothing else done. So, the rest of the stuff from today gets pushed to tomorrow, to add to all of the stuff scheduled for then. The only problem, we have nothing scheduled for Friday, but I can't put off any of these calls until then. I spent the last 45 minutes of work, working on the schedule for tomorrow. What is really irritating, is that a big project we have been working on for over a year (a HUGE remodel and addition) has been nipping at our heels to get stuff done, yet when we need them to do something SO THAT WE CAN WORK, it takes 6 weeks to get done. The only thing I have for the helper to do is work at that place, but he doesn't have anything to do until the contractors get their shit done. Can I go down there and smack the foreman? I really, really wanna. He's not a nice guy to begin with (he wouldn't lower himself to speak to a girl).
I had no work this week because my dad and his business partner will be off golfing where the weather is nice and warm. Now, I'm runnning the business for the week. This is a little intimidating, but how much damage could I do in just 4 days? Maybe that is the wrong thing to be wondering right about now.
Well, I got a whole 2 hours of work today. The only 2 hours of the week 'cause Dad is headed to Myrtle Beach to golf for the rest of the week. Add that to the whole 9 hours I got last week. Woah, I am just rolling in the dough.... NOT! It looks like I am going to have to cancel my book shipments I get every month. What is really bad is that I am considering trading in my truck. My truck is my baby. It would kill me to have to get rid of it. Dad says that they are going to need me full time when he gets back from Myrtle Beach... that they'll probably need even more help. Great.... just when I get to go in for more surgery. I should be back to work in a week after the surgery *crosses fingers* although heavy lifting will probably be limited.
At the moment, I am blogging and playing Mario Party at the same time. I know, it's really gotten bad hasn't it. I am truly addicted. I am also preparing to go to Peanut's house to play some more. We are hoping that the 3rd time is a charm. If I pack up my laptop and drag it all the way to her house, maybe, just maybe we'll open BBL and she can help me get past this mental block I have going on. I just really have no desire to write BBL. I hate to say it, 'cause it is for my Dad, but it's not my story and I just can't make myself want to write it. It is sounding forced now. Before it was sounding pretty good, even though it took me hours to write 1 page, it was a quality page. Now it's just writing to finish it, and even that it taking hours on end for a single page. GRRRR!
OK, so I went to the doctor's office today for a routine checkup. And now, I am scheduled for another pre-op appointment. Yes, that's right. I have to have surgery again. When I went to the doctor for real problems, they always told me it was all in my head. Now, they can't stop telling me that I need to have surgery. Can't we find a happy medium in there somewhere?
Yep, I'm addicted. Can't quit playing Mario Party.
I managed to give myself a migraine working on BBL. It's just not going anywhere. I don't think I completed a whole page. I worked on it for about 3 hours, with a break for lunch, and to try to unravel the knots in my brain (didn't work). I'm just stuck. Grrr.
Well, you know I really am sick when I turn down a ticket to a hockey game. Especially a chance to watch the Penguins get their asses whupped! And boy, did their asses get whupped last night! But, I want to say a "BIG THANK YOU!!!!" to JK for the invitation.
Well, after 2 days standing in the freezing cold of the warehouse, I was rewarded. With death. At least that is what this feels like. I feel like I've just been hit with a freight train. I was told last night that they didn't have any work for me today, so this is a day off for me. Too bad I can't enjoy it.
I am blogging today while standing in my hall. "Why?" you ask. Well, I am waiting for the pizza guy. I have to catch him before the dog sees him, otherwise I'll never get out the door to get it. Dumb dog.