Thursday, March 30, 2006

A blog test

You Should Be a Film Writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!
What Type of Writer Should You Be?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Well, Saturday night was not my idea of a good time. We went over to NoHawk's place, where a poker game was taking place. There were 6 guys playing, while my brother's girlfriend and I sat around watching and trying to breathe through the cigar smoke.... yummy. I ended up having to go on a beer run at 12:30. I’d had enough and left right after returning with the beer. By that time, my brother was knocked out of the game; he could entertain his girlfriend…. I wanted to breathe.

What is weird though, is that NoHawk IMed me this afternoon. I was minding my own business, not working… again, and out of the blue a message pops up. NoHawk, I repeat, NoHAWK is trying to set me up with one of his friends. It was one of the guys at the bar on Friday night. I had seen him one other time, right after I came home from GA. I don’t understand. WHY is NoHAWK trying to set me up???!!?? You have to understand that he and my brother did every damn thing that they could to torture me throughout the years. I can’t get it out of my head that he is screwing with me now. I can’t possibly take him seriously. I can’t imagine him even having the slightest clue of what I would be interested in in a guy. It’s too weird.

So, the whole time he’s IMing me, he’s asking me what I thought of this guy, and practically planning our wedding, ok. I paid virtually zero attention to this guy at the bar. He was at my table, and he left early. I can tell you what he was wearing and where he was sitting, how much he had to drink and how many times he walked away from the table. My attention was focused on the people who were in the bar, unknown to anyone at our table. Unknowns that I need to watch behaviors. Yes, I am incredibly paranoid… OCD when it comes to that. I have been burned in situations like that too often to be able to relax in that type of situation. I honestly couldn’t tell you much about this guy. This is all just so weird.

NoHawk said this guy is shy. OK, putting a shy guy with a chick that “shy” doesn’t even come close to describing. THAT’S A GOOD MATCH!!! Can we say one big, awkward silence?! NoHawk also gave this guy my screen name, and apparently told him to IM me.

I’m waiting for P-Nut to call me laughing her ass off once she reads this. IT’S NOT FUNNY P-NUT!!!! So, quit laughin'. :-P

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Finally I did something!!!!!!!

Yes, I did it. I left the house. That hasn't happened in a while, especially since I haven't been working.... again. Dad played at a new bar (well, he played there last month, but Peanut and I got sucked into Mario Party and I didn't make it home in time to go) last night. The bar was about what I expected. It is known to get a rough sometimes. There was a fight last night. But, it took place in the parking lot BEFORE the guy came into the bar covered in mud with a nicely forming black eye. The bar was packed most of the night. Not my idea of a good time, especially when it can be a rough crowd and I'm not familiar with the bar. I was on edge most of the night and unable to relax. There were a couple of times that I thought there would be a problem and started to stand. I was at a table filled with drunken people, which doesn't make me any more comfortable. I end up in hyper watch mode because the drunks wouldn't be able to help out if a problem occured and they also have a tendency to be involved in the problem in the first place.

My uncle, who, btw, no longer drinks, was beyond hammered last night. Blitzed isn't a strong enough word to describe it. Along with him, was my brother's best friend, NoHawk (as I call him). NoHawk was so blitzed, he was dancing! All in all, it was an eventful night. I got to be designated driver, once again, and am looking forward to reprising the role tonight... yeah me. I think I should get paid for baby-sitting. Don't you agree?

My brother is in from Delaware, with a girlfriend. It must be serious if he's bringing her home to meet the parents. She seems nice enough. Kind of quiet, not that I have room to talk in that department. She seems to get along with NoHawk, which is a good thing. The last girlfriend of my brothers (that I know of) didn't get along with NoHawk at all. Granted, everybody hated that witch, and my parents are still are still thanking the Lord that they broke off their engagement.

Last night, my drunken uncle decided I needed to know that since my brother is now with this gril that it is high time I marry and produce 5 kids. Ummm??? Isn't at least 1 date required before marriage?... at least in most cases. And, the kids would be a problem, especially with the surgery coming up. Not that I have much desire to have kids at all at this point. And, I think at least 1 date is required for the kids too. For me it would be many, many more, but stranger things have happened.

Then, I had to listen to a drunken NoHawk state numerous times that he is ready for kids. He wants them now. This was a 20 minute rant that repeated itself at least 3 times. Is the world really ready for mini NoHawks? I don't think the world will ever be ready for NoHawkian munchkins. Wow, what a night that was.

I've spent most of today playing Mario Party again. I took a nap too, since I didn't get home last night 'til well after 2am and my grandmother decided to call and wake up the whole house at like 7am! Haven't gotten real far with Angels & Demons yet. But, my mom is actually reading The DaVinci Code. I couldn't believe it when she told me she was reading it along with my dad! I had to check and see if the sky was falling when she said it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fun, fun, fun...

Well, I had my doctor's appointment today. Surgery is scheduled for April 21st. Happy birthday to me. The whole day was spent in one of 2 offices... not my idea of a good time. But, my mom and I had about an hour to kill after lunch, before appointment 2, so we stopped at Target (she'd never been in one). I found Dan Brown's first book Angels & Demons. Peanut said that she heard it was even better than The DaVinci Code, and he's an amazing author. I don't know how he was able to keep all those twists and turns straight and keep the reader mystified until the moment he was ready for them to know... I mean not even a hint. Anyway, I ended up getting the book. Guess what I'll be doing for the next few days?

As you can tell by the past few short blogs, there isn't much going on. I don't want to go on and on about nothing. Hopefully, there be something interesting going on here at some point.... I wish.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The end of a hectic week....

I managed to survive a week of being the boss. I'm still technically the boss, 'cause the real ones are still golfing, but since there is no scheduled work (just emergency service calls) for the weekend, there isn't much for me to do.

Yesterday, I helped Peanut move a Queen size bed into her apartment. It fit pretty well in my truck, I was impressed. Then we spent the rest of the day playing Mario Party. She's an enabler, what can I say.

Off to get my fix....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Day 1 as the Boss

Today was hectic. A job that was supposed to take maybe a couple hours ended up taking all day, so we got nothing else done. So, the rest of the stuff from today gets pushed to tomorrow, to add to all of the stuff scheduled for then. The only problem, we have nothing scheduled for Friday, but I can't put off any of these calls until then. I spent the last 45 minutes of work, working on the schedule for tomorrow. What is really irritating, is that a big project we have been working on for over a year (a HUGE remodel and addition) has been nipping at our heels to get stuff done, yet when we need them to do something SO THAT WE CAN WORK, it takes 6 weeks to get done. The only thing I have for the helper to do is work at that place, but he doesn't have anything to do until the contractors get their shit done. Can I go down there and smack the foreman? I really, really wanna. He's not a nice guy to begin with (he wouldn't lower himself to speak to a girl).

Well, it's non-stop running for me today. I get to go and make dinner now, then it's time to run some more.

Monday, March 13, 2006

A new twist to the story....

I had no work this week because my dad and his business partner will be off golfing where the weather is nice and warm. Now, I'm runnning the business for the week. This is a little intimidating, but how much damage could I do in just 4 days? Maybe that is the wrong thing to be wondering right about now.

Wish me luck. I just may really need it.

More Time to Kill.....

Well, I got a whole 2 hours of work today. The only 2 hours of the week 'cause Dad is headed to Myrtle Beach to golf for the rest of the week. Add that to the whole 9 hours I got last week. Woah, I am just rolling in the dough.... NOT! It looks like I am going to have to cancel my book shipments I get every month. What is really bad is that I am considering trading in my truck. My truck is my baby. It would kill me to have to get rid of it. Dad says that they are going to need me full time when he gets back from Myrtle Beach... that they'll probably need even more help. Great.... just when I get to go in for more surgery. I should be back to work in a week after the surgery *crosses fingers* although heavy lifting will probably be limited.

Well, today's task is to do more research for work in my field. Maybe I'll find some promising prospects and get some resumes out. Wish me luck.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

This is interesting....

At the moment, I am blogging and playing Mario Party at the same time. I know, it's really gotten bad hasn't it. I am truly addicted. I am also preparing to go to Peanut's house to play some more. We are hoping that the 3rd time is a charm. If I pack up my laptop and drag it all the way to her house, maybe, just maybe we'll open BBL and she can help me get past this mental block I have going on. I just really have no desire to write BBL. I hate to say it, 'cause it is for my Dad, but it's not my story and I just can't make myself want to write it. It is sounding forced now. Before it was sounding pretty good, even though it took me hours to write 1 page, it was a quality page. Now it's just writing to finish it, and even that it taking hours on end for a single page. GRRRR!

Dad played a gig last night. Which was cool; the place was packed. But, my mom's pastor showed up with his family. He's a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but I just don't like it when people try to push their beliefs on you. And, this happened after he'd been siiting in a bar for a couple hours and drinking multiple Long Island Iced Teas. And, he made a couple of comments to me that indicate that my mom has told him about some stuff that has happened to me in the last couple of months. Particularly one incident. And she wonders why I never tell her anything. Really, is it necessary for everybody and their mother to know what is going on with me. I am a fairly private person. Only a select few friends know about my blog, and I use my pen name for my ID here, so just anybody stumbling across my blog wouldn't know who I am. This is basically here for my therapy and that is all. When I get frustrated or upset, writing is a way for me to release it all. And, at times, make sense of it all in my head.

Anyway I have to go and get ready.

Friday, March 10, 2006

That's IT!! I QUIT!!!

OK, so I went to the doctor's office today for a routine checkup. And now, I am scheduled for another pre-op appointment. Yes, that's right. I have to have surgery again. When I went to the doctor for real problems, they always told me it was all in my head. Now, they can't stop telling me that I need to have surgery. Can't we find a happy medium in there somewhere?

Anyway, I still can't seem to drag myself away from the Gamecube. I rented a couple of other games (I should stick with the one I have, 'cause I really suck at the others), so I've been busy trying to play those. But I unlocked some new stuff on the one that I have, so I've been exploring that.

Doesn't my life sound so interesting? Yep, I'm turning into a couch potato. One with Nintendo thumb.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Still playing....

Yep, I'm addicted. Can't quit playing Mario Party.

In adventurous news, my kitty killed a mouse last night. And, deposited it in the middle of my bedroom floor. Ewww! He's a mouser. He wasn't happy when I took it away from him.

I know it's short, but I wanna play! I've been at work all day and I need a fix ;)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Well, I tried....

I managed to give myself a migraine working on BBL. It's just not going anywhere. I don't think I completed a whole page. I worked on it for about 3 hours, with a break for lunch, and to try to unravel the knots in my brain (didn't work). I'm just stuck. Grrr.

I also got my birthday present (OK, so it's almost 2 months away, who's counting?) last night. So, I've spent the rest of the day, rotting out the knots in my brain while playing Mario Party on my new GameCube! Who would have thought that I would ever want a video game, let alone convince my parents to get it for me for my b-day. Playing, playing, playing. So much fun!!! I'm gonna give P-nut a run for her money next time we play at her house.

Well, I will get to work tomorrow, so that means I have to get to bed at a decent hour. So, I'm signing off.... to play some more Mario Party ;) Bad, Jelly Beane! Bad! *slaps wrists*.... oh, well. I've gone without sleep before ;)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Still sick...

Well, you know I really am sick when I turn down a ticket to a hockey game. Especially a chance to watch the Penguins get their asses whupped! And boy, did their asses get whupped last night! But, I want to say a "BIG THANK YOU!!!!" to JK for the invitation.

I got my laptop back this morning, so hopefully I'll get some work done, but I feel like my brain is oozing out of my ears, so the chance of that happening is slim and none. But, I will have tomorrow off too, so I plan to spend most of the day tomorrow working on it. No TV for me until I have a few pages done. We'll see how it goes.

Off to take more meds. Hope ya'll are having a good weekend.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Nap needed...

Well, after 2 days standing in the freezing cold of the warehouse, I was rewarded. With death. At least that is what this feels like. I feel like I've just been hit with a freight train. I was told last night that they didn't have any work for me today, so this is a day off for me. Too bad I can't enjoy it.

Dad is playing tonight, but it doesn't look like I'm gonna make it. I didn't go to either of his gigs last week. I don't think I've missed this many gigs (when I was in town) since I was 12 and not allowed to go unless my mom was going.

I was in and out of sleep yesterday from the time I got home and got cleaned up (around 4). I finally dropped off into oblivion around 9. I would probably still be asleep now, but the phone hasn't stopped ringing since 8 this morning. Grrr.

If I can stay awake long enough, my plan is to work on BBL. I won't get the chance tomorrow because my mom is taking my laptop with her to church. She wants to show them her pics from Israel and she still hasn't gotten them developed yet.

I think I've rambled long enough and I'm falling asleep. Have a good one.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Food and Heat.... the 2 essentials in life

I am blogging today while standing in my hall. "Why?" you ask. Well, I am waiting for the pizza guy. I have to catch him before the dog sees him, otherwise I'll never get out the door to get it. Dumb dog.

Success! He just dropped it off! The bad part, I'm still stuck in the hall because I fed the internet cord through the window of my bedroom (it looks out into the hallway... don't ask). Mmmm, pizza. Kitty is trying to share. "No kitty, it's my pot pie!" Bad Kitty!

I did lots of job hunting online yesterday. I got a lot of good places to start looking. But, I spent so much time doing that, I was too tired to write anything. I have a feeling tonight is gonna end up in much the same way. Probably because I am already tired from work.

I spent all day sorting through the crap we took out of my dad's old work truck, and putting in the NEW truck (he picked up at noon) what he needed. Too bad it'll only look good for a day. I worked so hard to organize it! The bad part was that I was in the warehouse all day.... FREEZING my butt off! It was warmer outside than it was in the building!!!! I think my feet got frostbitten. Brrr. Now that I am in the house, I feel like I am having hot flashes, 'cause it is probably a 50 or 60 degree difference from what I was in all day!!!

Well, I'm off to eat my food.