Another day
I got a little work done on BBL last night. Not a whole lot of work, but I plan to work on it a little more tonight. I just can't get excited about working on it. I'm hoping that will change at some point, 'cause it is really hard to work on it when I really don't want to.
I emailed that private company about employment yesterday. Now, I am waiting to hear back. I will be looking a little more tonight before I sign off. No matter what I do, it means relocating. Which I am more than open to, I just hate the hassle of packing up all of my crap and moving it. And, trying to find a good, affordable area to live, when I know of nothing in the area. But frankly, I'll live in a box if it means moving out of my parent's house once and for all. They are wearing on my nerves. After basically living on my own for the best part of 7 years, it's tough to move back home again. Most of all though, I just really need a REAL job.
On the current job front, it looks like I will be taking the Journeyman's test for plumbing, as soon as the next one comes up. I only recently got my apprentice card, but since I have been doing it for so long, they are going to try to bypass the waiting. One of my goals is to get my Master license. Someday.